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The train's going.
We gotta get on.
That's true. Why... why don't you
just feed me to the lions
Step on my head when I'm drowning.
What a great friend.
What do you mean, what?
John, this is completely
against the rules.
You have a wedding and a reception
to seal the deal. Period.
- There's no overtime.
- Oh, no overtime?
What about the Chang wedding
three years ago?
- Oh, that's bullshit.
- Yeah, yeah, thought I forgot about that.
2:00 A.M., you dragged me
50 miles to watch you and some chick
play mah-jong with her grandmother
at a retirement home.
Yeah, completely
different situation.
- How?
- What do you mean how?
She was a very very
family-oriented girl.
And she was very into her grandmother.
They're very family-oriented.
That was my first Asian!
- You better lock it up.
- You better lock it up.
- No, you lock it up.
- You lock it up.
wedding - boda
watch - reloj
situation - situación
three - tres
rules - reglas
years - años
thought - pensamiento
retirement - jubilación
period - período
overtime - a través del tiempo
dragged - arrastrado
completely - completamente
grandmother - abuela
family - familia
reception - recepción
different - diferente
chick - polluelo
miles - millas
about - acerca de
against - en contra
first - primero
friend - amigo
asian - asiático
chang - chang
better - mejor
lions - leones
bullshit - mierda
forgot - olvidó
going - yendo
gotta - tengo que
great - estupendo
drowning - ahogo
oriented - orientado
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