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You put out the recycling,
which was really cool.
And the other day, I dragged
a man's body down the hallway
and noticed
that there was no dust.
Like, I kind of...
I kind of swept the hallway.
Vladislav is
just, like, this older vampire
who grew up
in the medieval times.
And, you know,
to be living this long
and to have seen
the things that he's seen
and still, like,
kind of have it together...
...I mean, hats off to him.
Bloody hell!
He's a really great guy.
A bit of a pervert.
He has some pretty old ideas
about things.
- We should get some slaves.
- Yes.
When I first became a vampire,
I was quite tyrannical.
I was known
for torturing a lot of people.
This is my torture chamber.
I don't come in here often
I tended to torture
when I was in a bad place.
My thing was, I would poke
someone with implements.
I was known
as Vladislav the Poker.
It's been like this
the whole time, okay? So...
Viago is a little...
The washing
and the rubbish, I did that.
Deacon, on dishes,
and it's still hasn't moved
in five years.
He was an 18th-century dandy,
so he can be very fussy.
He nags and nags.
...the lounge the other day,
and there was blood
all over my nice antique couch.
Which one?
The red one?
Well, it's red now, yeah.
If you're going to eat a victim
on my nice clean couch,
put down some newspaper
on the floor and some towels.
It's not hard to do.
We're vampires!
We don't put down towels.
Some vampires do.
Well, not serious ones.
When you get the four
vampires in a flat,
obviously there's going to be
a lot of tension.
There's tension
in any flatting situation.
It's settled, then.
We'll all do our jobs,
starting with
a certain Deacon...
- I will do my dishes!
- Good! Then do them!
This is bullshit.
years - años
whole - todo
which - cual
washing - lavado
victim - víctima
vampires - vampiros
vampire - vampiro
tyrannical - tiránico
towels - toallas
torture - tortura
times - veces
thing - cosa
together - juntos
tension - tensión
still - todavía
sorry - lo siento
someone - alguien
slaves - esclavos
situation - situación
should - debería
settled - colocado
torturing - torturando
fussy - exigente
would - haría
dragged - arrastrado
implements - implementos
serious - grave
hallway - pasillo
pervert - pervertido
deacon - diácono
dandy - dandy
there - ahí
antique - antiguo
poker - póker
couch - sofá
clean - limpiar
recycling - reciclaje
tended - tendido
great - estupendo
first - primero
really - de verdad
became - convirtió
other - otro
about - acerca de
bloody - sangriento
floor - piso
chamber - cámara
bullshit - mierda
certain - cierto
century - siglo
living - vivo
place - lugar
blood - sangre
known - conocido
lounge - salón
dishes - platos
little - pequeño
things - cosas
people - gente
ideas - Ideas
medieval - medieval
going - yendo
moved - movido
quite - bastante
swept - barrido
noticed - notado
pedantic - pedante
obviously - obviamente
often - a menudo
older - mayor
pretty - bonita
starting - comenzando
anymore - nunca más
newspaper - periódico
rubbish - basura
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