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Pronunciación en inglés de serious

  • serio
  • importante
  • de gravedad
  • formal

Ejemplos tomados de películas con Serious

You right, James, this ain't no joke. This is dead serious.
Ride Along - Save the Strippers
whose evidence has not only been called into serious question...
To Kill a Mockingbird - Mayella's Guilt
- You're serious? - Yes. What's stopping us?
Revolutionary Road - Paris!
Listen, Frank, I'm serious about this.
Revolutionary Road - Paris!
Me and my homeboy are in some serious fucking shit, man.
Pulp Fiction - I Shot Marvin in the Face
- About what? - You're serious? You don't know?
Tropic Thunder - Never Go Full Retard
- Serious, man. - Dawg, take a seat
8 Mile - The Lunch Truck
- I ate it. - Fletch, be serious for just one minute, OK?
Fletch Lives - Fletch Quits
Don't screw around. They're serious this time.
Animal House - Deltas on Trial
It's actually kind of serious, Dave.
Dave - Extending the Gig
She is bringing some serious heat, man.
Fever Pitch - Ben Meets Lindsey
There's my number. I'm serious, please.
Bounce - A Smoking Non-Smoker
- Are you serious? - It's a simple question.
You, Me and Dupree - Going Camping
but it's also a deadly serious killing system.
The Foot Fist Way - Ju-jitsu Sucks
- Are you serious? - I'm dead serious.
Passengers - Partner Mode

Pronunciación de Serious

Pronunciación americana

Serious pronunciado por Ivy (niño, chica)
Serious pronunciado por Joanna (mujer)
Serious pronunciado por Kendra (mujer)
Serious pronunciado por Kimberly (mujer)
Serious pronunciado por Salli (mujer)
Serious pronunciado por Joey (hombre)
Serious pronunciado por Justin (niño, chico)
Serious pronunciado por Matthew (hombre)

Pronunciación británica

Serious pronunciado por Amy (mujer)
Serious pronunciado por Emma (mujer)
Serious pronunciado por Brian (hombre)