Suddenly lost inside a fantasy
Everything not quite what it seems to be
Slipping and falling through the looking glass
Catching a glimpse at all that lies behind the masks
You disappear with the dawn
You only see what you want
When you are out with the birds of prey
watch - néz
wrong - rossz
everything - minden
right - jobb
falling - eső
inside - belül
glass - üveg
there - ott
disappear - eltűnik
through - keresztül
forget - elfelejt
behind - mögött
bleed - vérzik
birds - madarak
fantasy - fantázia
catching - ragályos
masks - maszkok
suddenly - hirtelen
glimpse - megpillant
looking - keres
quite - egészen
seems - Úgy tűnik,
slipping - csúszás
taking - bevétel
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