The grass was as green as it always was that sinister day
The Blackbird sang their songs as they always did that black-letter day
The day we passed the great gate for the very last time
I did not look back, I knew we'd stay
I knew they I would not let us go leave the death strip
I saw the gleam in their eyes of fear and enslavement
Suffering from the crushing weight
Beloveth ground take me home
Alesia, Alisanos
Wake me when I'm gone
Ianotouta, eternity
Proclaim our barren sacrifice
weight - súly
walked - sétált
trailed - vontatott
their - azok
tears - könnyek
songs - dalok
sacrifice - áldozat
proclaim - hirdetik
times - alkalommal
passed - elmúlt
outside - kívül
offered - felajánlott
letter - levél
cries - sír
embraced - felkarolta
black - fekete
living - élő
alleys - sétányok
blackbird - feketerigó
barren - meddő
strip - szalag
leave - szabadság
alesia - alesia
thousand - ezer
before - előtt
doors - ajtók
where - ahol
cherished - dédelgetett
always - mindig
death - halál
deathly - halálos
would - lenne
sinister - baljós
grass - fű
crushing - zúzó
enslavement - leigázás
gleam - csillog
yielded - így
eternity - örökkévalóság
suffering - szenvedő
ground - talaj
great - nagy
green - zöld
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