Crowded Hallways are the loneliest places for outcasts and rebels

Or anyone who just dares to be different

And you've been trying for so long to find out where your place is

But in their narrow minds, there's no room for anyone who dares to do something different

Oh, but listen for a minute

Trust the one who's been where you are wishing all it was was sticks and stones

Those words cut deep but they don't mean you're all alone

You're not invisible

Hear me out, there's so much more to life than what you're feeling now

Someday you'll look back on all these days and all this pain is gonna be... Invisible

Oh, invisible

So your confidence is quiet

To them quiet looks like weakness but you don't have to fight it

without - nélkül
wishing - kívánó
where - ahol
weakness - gyengeség
trying - megpróbálja
hallways - folyosók
gonna - fog
dares - mer
friend - barát
loudly - hangosan
every - minden
narrow - keskeny
labels - címkék
loneliest - legmagányosabb
heart - szív
moment - pillanat
sticks - pálca
feeling - érzés
looks - úgy néz ki,
stones - kövek
everyone - mindenki
invisible - láthatatlan
alone - egyedül
waving - hullámzás
anymore - többé
something - valami
understand - megért
fight - harc
strong - erős
confidence - bizalom
cause - ok
crowded - zsúfolt
different - különböző
listen - hallgat
doing - csinál
rhythm - ritmus
place - hely
minds - elmék
minute - perc
afraid - félnek
never - soha
these - ezek
outcasts - számkivetettek
yours - a tiéd
someday - majd egyszer
places - helyek
words - szavak
rebels - lázadók
promise - ígéret
enough - elég
quiet - csendes
their - azok
anyone - bárki
those - azok
trust - bizalom

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