You play your music when I try to sleep
You talk and talk when you're supposed to eat
You bite your finger nails, when you know it makes me mad
And you burst out laughing when you should be sad
You shout at TV and the radio
You swear at drivers driving way too slow
You leave your coffee cups until they're growing mould
And you rant and rave about reality shows
Yeah, you drive me honey honey round the bend
Yeah, you drive me honey honey round the bend
My be bop bunny bunny boy you send me right round the bend
until - amíg
tongue - nyelv
thing - dolog
smoke - füst
snore - horkolás
smell - szag
round - kerek
right - jobb
shows - műsorok
reality - valóság
radio - rádió
finger - ujj
words - szavak
driving - vezetés
coffee - kávé
shout - kiáltás
bunny - nyuszi
listen - hallgat
going - haladó
about - ról ről
drive - hajtás
swallow - fecske
drivers - illesztőprogramok
honey - édesem
makes - gyártmányú
always - mindig
supposed - feltételezett
sleep - alvás
should - kellene
anyway - akárhogyan is
though - bár
mould - öntőforma
swear - esküszik
burst - robbanás
growing - növekvő
laughing - nevetés
leave - szabadság
never - soha
music - zene
other - más
nails - körmök
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