[Ja Rule (Lil Wayne)]

Murder Inc. nigga

(Young Money just crept in like uh-ohhh!)

Em-pire, em-pire! Hehe, let's get 'em~!

Inc Gang nigga, young money Cash Money, collabo'

Listen, listen

[Chorus: Ja Rule]

To all my niggaz my bitches my bitches my niggaz my gangsters

Hoes, pimps, and pushers keep workin with it, we doin it

We gettin it, got money we takin it, got bitches we takin them

Empire just stepped in and they like

Uh-ohhh! Uh uh uh-ohhh! Uh-ohhh! Uh uh uh-ohhh!

Hitting the uh uh-ohhh! Uh-ohhh! Uh uh uh-ohhh!

Cause they know we gettin it, got money we takin it

Got bitches we takin them, Empire just stepped in (fuck niggaz!)

[Ja Rule]

Uh-ohhh! Uh uh uh-ohhh! Here I, go oh-oh-oh

It's the Rule nigga, you already know-oh

I'm gettin it, I don't gotta talk because I'm livin it

Money over bitches period, and I'm dead serious

These bitches is feminine

Nigga so I T-T-T-T-touch 'em up e'ry time I see 'em

Are you feelin it, it-it-it's comin through the barrel

of the fi-ih-ifth, out the sunroof of the si-ih-ix

Ih-ih-if, you willin to bear wit-ne-ess

How I take money, take bi-ih-itches, niggaz is

young - fiatal
workin - dolgozni
willin - Willin
weezy - weezy
wayne - Wayne
under - alatt
umbrella - esernyő
tryin - próbál
sweet - édes
stutter - dadogás
steps - lépések
stepped - lépcsős
riders - lovasok
retarded - retardált
raise - emel
touch - érintés
pushers - nyomógombokat
proper - megfelelő
trotter - ügető ló
popper - popper
serious - súlyos
period - időszak
niggaz - niggaz
dinner - vacsora
suckers - balekok
gangsters - gengszterek
livin - iivin
sunroof - napfénytető
crocker - Crocker
carter - kocsis
chorus - énekkar
anchor - horgony
kitchen - konyha
missile - rakéta
dribble - csöpög
around - körül
comin - jön
bitch - kurva
butter - vaj
crept - lopódzott
beats - ütés
already - már
cause - ok
drizzled - szórt
angels - angyalok
ballin - ballin
maybach - maybach
money - pénz
feminine - nőies
finger - ujj
because - mert
style - stílus
empire - birodalom
fascinated - elbűvölt
risen - felkelt
pimps - stricik
feelin - feelin
through - keresztül
atkins - Atkins
little - kicsit
first - első
gettin - Kezd
nigga - nigger
gangster - gengszter
middle - középső
these - ezek
takin - Takin
gotta - kell
barrel - hordó
hitting - ütő
hospitals - kórházakban
itches - viszket
jeremiah - jeremiah
leather - bőr
whistle - síp
bitches - szukák
listen - hallgat
stand - állvány
crack - repedés
murder - gyilkosság

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