I'm a suspect, I'm a traitor,
I'm only here in body visiting.
Yellow faces in the distance screams,
"The beauty is in what isn't said,"
I'm rising to my feet,
Because tonight, the world turned in me.
Because right now, I don't dare to breathe.
Oh, babe, I know, it's alive and somewhere for us to find,
Tonight, oh chase this light with me.
My just so, my last call,
My life is yours in your gifted hands.
Confetti rainfall in a quiet street.
These things I've found are special now,
world - világ
visiting - látogató
tonight - ma este
yellow - sárga
through - keresztül
these - ezek
suspect - gyanúsított
street - utca
still - még mindig
special - különleges
traitor - áruló
streets - utcák
somewhere - valahol
single - egyetlen
faces - arcok
alive - élő
chase - üldözés
turned - fordult
every - minden
breathe - lélegzik
beauty - szépség
confetti - konfetti
screams - sikolyok
photograph - fénykép
yours - a tiéd
because - mert
found - talál
things - dolgok
light - fény
rainfall - csapadék
gifted - tehetséges
movie - film
earned - szerzett
quiet - csendes
reach - elér
hands - kezek
reward - jutalom
right - jobb
distance - távolság
rising - emelkedő
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