Me and Charlie boy used to go walking, sittin' in the woods behind my house
When being lovers meant a stolen kiss and holding hands with nobody else around
Charlie said he wanted to get married but we were only ten so we'd have to wait
He said we'd never let our love run dry like so many do these days
So we treat our love like a firefly, like it only gets to shine for a little while
Catch it in a mason jar and holes in the top and run like hell to show it off
Oh, promises we made when we'd go walkin', that's just me and Charlie talking
leave - szabadság
holes - lyukak
eighteen - tizennyolc
sometimes - néha
start - rajt
funny - vicces
treat - csemege
firefly - szentjánosbogár
turned - fordult
house - ház
sleepy - álmos
always - mindig
intentions - szándékok
anything - bármi
around - körül
lovers - szerelmeseinek
hands - kezek
stolen - lopott
again - újra
walking - gyalogló
woods - fák
distance - távolság
holding - holding
being - lény
promises - ígér
change - változás
waiting - várakozás
behind - mögött
married - házas
found - talál
heart - szív
catch - fogás
nobody - senki
charlie - charlie
shine - ragyog
talking - beszél
letters - betűk
bring - hoz
little - kicsit
mason - kőműves
meant - jelentett
never - soha
these - ezek
think - gondol
thought - gondolat
wanted - kívánatos
while - míg
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