How many tears can you count on your fingers?
How many diets can you do to get thinner?
How many wishes can you make while you're praying?
How many times have you heard them all saying,
Hush little babe, don't over react,
Keep it all in and hold it all back,
Hush little darling, time to save face,
Give it some time, go down with some grace,
All across the nation,
Put your hands up if you're faking,
Say it out loud, woah oh,
Coz the only medication,
For a heart that knows its breaking,
Is to get it out now, say it out loud, ooh woah,
yourself - saját magad
while - míg
where - ahol
thinner - vékonyabb
tears - könnyek
saying - mondás
times - alkalommal
react - reagál
promise - ígéret
praying - imádkozás
nation - nemzet
minute - perc
pitch - hangmagasság
medication - gyógyszer
diets - étrend
broken - törött
wishes - kívánságait
start - rajt
hands - kezek
stars - csillagok
heard - hallott
hearing - meghallgatás
across - át
honest - becsületes
bones - csontok
feeling - érzés
fingers - ujjak
darling - drágám
faking - színlel
count - számol
grace - kegyelem
strip - szalag
leave - szabadság
breaking - törés
black - fekete
gonna - fog
heart - szív
right - jobb
knows - tudja
could - tudott
little - kicsit
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