Never want to fly
Never want to leave
Never want to say what you mean to me
Never want to run
Frightened to believe
You're the best thing about me
Sometimes I feel like this is only chemistry
Stuck in a maze searching for a way to
Shut down run around feel the ground beneath me
You're so close where do you end where do I begin?
Always pushing and pulling
Sometimes sanity takes vacation time on me
I'm in a daze stumbling bewildered
North of gravity head up in the stratosphere
You and I roller coaster riding love
You're the center of adrenaline
And I'm beginning to understand
Never want to fly
would - lenne
where - ahol
vacation - vakáció
impossible - lehetetlen
ground - talaj
things - dolgok
goodbye - viszontlátásra
about - ról ről
glass - üveg
frightened - rémült
sometimes - néha
coaster - alátét
chemistry - kémia
north - északi
pushing - toló
adrenaline - adrenalin
begin - kezdődik
center - központ
bewildered - megzavarodott
always - mindig
beneath - alatt
believe - hinni
beginning - kezdet
intoxication - mámor
leave - szabadság
broken - törött
never - soha
these - ezek
occurs - bekövetkezik
peace - béke
around - körül
pulling - vontatás
riding - lovaglás
stumbling - botladozó
farewell - búcsú
reason - ok
roller - henger
close - bezárás
could - tudott
sanity - józanság
searching - kutató
stratosphere - sztratoszféra
stuck - megragadt
takes - vesz
thing - dolog
thrills - izgalom
through - keresztül
gravity - súly
understand - megért
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