The words that no one speaks
About the night before
She stares off at the road
Her finger taps the door
I'd hate to judge if roles reverse you'd think so too
She'd seen the film before
But stayed until the end
She had him to herself
Perhaps as more than friends
Maybe I'd do things differently if I were you
Your pulse it races with mine and I swear that there's no other girl
Your body shakes, it's like tonight we can take the world
whispers - suttogja
until - amíg
tonight - ma este
tongue - nyelv
thinks - azt hiszi
think - gondol
things - dolgok
sweet - édes
stayed - tartózkodott
swear - esküszik
stares - bámul
smiles - mosolyog
shakes - turmixok
world - világ
roles - szerepek
words - szavak
pulse - impulzus
reverse - fordított
differently - eltérően
meets - találkozik
connect - kapcsolódni
other - más
cheek - orca
about - ról ről
against - ellen
night - éjszaka
awfully - szörnyen
dreams - álmok
heart - szív
judge - bíró
screams - sikolyok
finger - ujj
before - előtt
friends - barátok
would - lenne
clothes - ruhák
imagined - képzelt
grabs - markoló
herself - önmaga
races - versenyek
looks - úgy néz ki,
speaks - beszél
maybe - talán
perhaps - talán
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