There is a man in this world, who has never smiled

You may know his tragedy, the later years, by heart

In the beginning, there was a mother, a father, and a child

A troubled little silent boy, whose life they worked to destroy

Known to us from this day on

By his father,


His mother came up with such a clever way to save the day with a little white lie.

He thinks he missed the point back then, but now he's grown to understand it, in a way.

"Father said "I'm sorry" only once, as I remember"

"The words were not meant to hurt, only destroy you, my stupid son..."

One person can make a difference, sometimes...

Just turn his head when the kid is still and has a weak neck.

Smiled at his funeral, "happy you're dead.

All his solutions, it seemed, were only problems in disguise

Glueing on his drinkin' face, got ready to erase another day...

Mother was yet confident, although they had it tight, taught her son

At the end of every tunnel's a little light.

It wasn't a lie, it was her hope, that everything would be fine one day

"He can fulfill his every dream, I'm happy as long as he's not."

would - lenne
world - világ
worked - dolgozott
whole - egész
white - fehér
where - ahol
until - amíg
universe - világegyetem
under - alatt
turned - fordult
troubled - zavaros
knows - tudja
wrong - rossz
known - ismert
those - azok
grown - felnőtt
saint - szent
greatest - legnagyobb
difference - különbség
forever - örökké
wanted - kívánatos
fighting - harcoló
erase - törli
charade - betűrejtvény
hearse - halottas kocsi
driving - vezetés
disguise - elrejt
flowers - virágok
dream - álom
bring - hoz
little - kicsit
beast - vadállat
taking - bevétel
every - minden
applies - alkalmazandó
things - dolgok
create - teremt
beautiful - szép
destroy - elpusztítani
against - ellen
everything - minden
although - habár
whose - akinek
seemed - úgy tűnt
apple - alma
followed - majd
portrait - portré
years - évek
shooting - lövés
another - egy másik
caleb - Caleb
person - személy
price - ár
happy - boldog
decision - döntés
point - pont
confident - magabiztos
hills - dombok
solutions - megoldások
fulfill - eleget tesz
clever - okos
could - tudott
child - gyermek
deadly - halálos
monster - szörnyeteg
funeral - temetés
missed - nem fogadott
living - élő
mother - anya
light - fény
meant - jelentett
towards - felé
understand - megért
people - emberek
never - soha
blind - vak
beginning - kezdet
nothing - semmi
ready - kész
father - apa
curse - átok
remember - emlékezik
right - jobb
tragedy - tragédia
running - futás
serve - szolgál
serving - szolgáló
words - szavak
later - a későbbiekben
necessary - szükséges
shame - szégyen
problems - problémák
silent - csendes
smiled - Mosolygott
snakes - kígyók
hopes - remények
taught - tanított
sometimes - néha
sorry - sajnálom
stand - állvány

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