Please sit down, just talk to me,
We'll see if we can talk this through,
I've tried so hard to understand it,
Just tell me something that's close to the truth…
I'd rather you were cruel than kind,
Is all that I'm demanding,
I've given up on peace of mind,
For the open wound of understanding.
You can't be here and someplace else,
If your mind is in that other place,
You're trying to convince yourself,
But you're lying in my face,
I've listened ‘til my head would spin,
I don't want half of anything.
The sand sits in the hourglass,
Time slips through our fingers fast,
Your counterfeits deceived me,
If you can't love me this way,
Then you must leave me.
Tell me how it came to this,
Just don't think to spare me this,
Perhaps the truth can set us free,
From the half truths ensnaring you and me,
This black hole of intensity,
Collapses on its density,
And sucks me to a darker place,
yourself - saját magad
would - lenne
world - világ
where - ahol
walked - sétált
understanding - megértés
truths - igazságok
truth - igazság
through - keresztül
those - azok
temperature - hőmérséklet
sucks - szar
someplace - valahol
smell - szag
slips - megcsúszik
sleep - alvás
seeds - magok
seabed - tengerfenék
reminders - promemoria
relieves - מקל
reasons - okok
wound - seb
today - ma
preserved - konzervált
please - kérem
place - hely
perhaps - talán
peace - béke
leave - szabadság
demanding - igényes
tried - megpróbálta
lying - fekvő
curled - fodros
density - sűrűség
convince - meggyőz
doubt - kétség
behind - mögött
distant - távoli
understand - megért
spare - tartalék
appearances - látszat
failed - nem sikerült
cruel - kegyetlen
close - bezárás
anything - bármi
think - gondol
darker - sötétebb
paper - papír
might - esetleg
collapses - összeesik
black - fekete
other - más
breathe - lélegzik
fates - sorsok
counterfeits - hamisítványok
bitter - keserű
pages - oldalak
hides - irha
changes - változtatások
deceived - megtévesztette
intensity - intenzitás
rather - inkább
ensnaring - ensnaring
trying - megpróbálja
falls - zuhatag
fields - mezők
state - állapot
fingers - ujjak
stars - csillagok
diver - búvár
broken - törött
formaldehyde - formaldehid
drinking - ivás
given - adott
hollow - üreges
taste - íz
hourglass - homokóra
something - valami
laugh - nevetés
relieve - enyhít
patterns - minták
inhale - inhalál
perfume - parfüm
glass - üveg
insect - rovar
listened - hallgatta
nothing - semmi
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