Katy Kerlan was my first kiss

I was only five years-old and she hit me with her purse

I had braces on my legs and I almost fell down

And from that day moving forward I've been petrified of blondes

Oh Patricia, she was my first love

She sat eight rows behind me and I couldn't breathe

I gave her Pink Floyd - Animals when we were in 6th grade

And it was on her turntable when I met her on Sunday

Her mom was gone, we were listening to Dogs

She reached down my pants and discovered I was bald

And when I touched her down there she was blossoming and soft

And the next day in school she ignored me in the hall

Shelly and Amber gave me my first taste

I went down on them both at Amber's parents' place

We were drunk as skunks and high on Darvon

And they gave me a bath and I stumbled on home

Mary Anne was my first fuck

She slide down between my legs and oh my god she could suck

years - évek
wrong - rossz
language - nyelv
drunk - részeg
forward - Előre
floyd - Floyd
notes - jegyzetek
played - dátum
abruptly - hirtelen
drifted - sodródott
drawn - húzott
discovered - felfedezett
could - tudott
truck - kamion
cycles - ciklusok
control - ellenőrzés
blossoming - virágzó
between - között
moving - mozgó
shapes - alakzatok
first - első
friend - barát
cared - gondozott
begged - könyörgött
stumbled - megbotlott
because - mert
blondes - szőkék
coming - eljövetel
early - korai
beautiful - szép
stinger - fájdalmas ütés
grade - fokozat
longing - vágyakozás
eight - nyolc
listening - kihallgatás
complicated - bonyolult
skunks - skunks
behind - mögött
feels - érzi
turntable - lemezjátszó
types - típusok
caught - elkapott
rejection - elutasítás
getting - szerzés
wonder - csoda
canal - csatorna
together - együtt
deborah - Deborah
ignored - figyelmen kívül hagyja
night - éjszaka
lived - élt
myself - magamat
animals - állatok
pants - nadrág
morning - reggel
sweet - édes
amber - borostyán
stung - megcsípte
motherly - anyai
named - nevezett
right - jobb
shelly - kagylós
breathe - lélegzik
nobody - senki
patricia - Patricia
nature - természet
petrified - megkövesedett
piano - zongora
picked - válogatott
pickup - felvenni
broke - törött
place - hely
pleaded - könyörgött
planet - bolygó
almost - majdnem
purse - pénztárca
someone - valaki
reached - elért
school - iskola
heart - szív
brought - hozott
braces - fogszabályozó
pulled - húzta
there - ott
slide - csúszik
attraction - vonzerő
broken - törött
lobster - homár
something - valami
spark - szikra
sunday - vasárnap
hurts - fáj
sweatpants - sweatpants
spirit - szellem
taste - íz
touched - érintett
their - azok
touch - érintés

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