When I was young my father taught me not to gloat
If I came home too proud of myself I get wrestled to the floor and choked
But I forgive him for that
He was an eighth grade drop out and I was being a brat
I forgive him, I do
I know that he loves me and he knows I love him too
When I was young my father told me, to each his own
The lady said as she kissed the cow
Some like the fiddle, some like the trombone
And I live by that rule
Your trip is your trip and my trip is my trip too
Yeah, I'll mind my own business
I'll have an O'Douls and my friend here will have a Guinness
I love my dad
I love my dad
I love my dad
I love my dad
Your kid goes to the private Berkeley school with one black kid
My kid goes to the public school, came home with cracked ribs
And when my kid's eighteen
He'll be out there like I was and probably chasing his dreams
And when your kid's twenty-two
young - fiatal
wrestling - birkózás
twenty - húsz
wrestled - birkózott
tyson - Tyson
trombone - harsona
while - míg
those - azok
teacher - tanár
still - még mindig
watch - néz
something - valami
sears - elsütőbillentyűket
taught - tanított
ricky - Ricky
quicker - gyorsabb
trying - megpróbálja
punches - ütések
proud - büszke
probably - valószínűleg
practice - gyakorlat
perfect - tökéletes
patience - türelem
night - éjszaka
myself - magamat
matches - gyufa
respect - tisztelet
lessons - tanulságok
winter - téli
learned - tanult
kissed - megcsókolta
saint - szent
crying - síró
cause - ok
there - ott
short - rövid
shoot - lő
school - iskola
cracked - repedt
learn - tanul
equally - egyaránt
people - emberek
brown - barna
brought - hozott
could - tudott
gossip - pletyka
anywhere - bárhol
album - album
business - üzleti
guitar - gitár
choked - fojtott
basement - pince
after - után
beauty - szépség
cline - cline
black - fekete
moved - költözött
going - haladó
spain - Spanyolország
berkeley - Berkeley
being - lény
friend - barát
different - különböző
played - dátum
fiddle - hegedű
dinner - vacsora
kindergarten - óvoda
ditches - árkok
private - magán
dreams - álmok
edgar - Edgar
eighteen - tizennyolc
albino - albínó
eighth - nyolcadik
loves - szeret
father - apa
neighbour - szomszéd
flick - fricska
knows - tudja
floor - padló
public - nyilvános
pretty - szép
grade - fokozat
forgive - megbocsát
shoulder - váll
chasing - vadászrepülőgép
better - jobb
getting - szerzés
gloat - kéjsóvár tekintet
gotta - kell
guinness - guinness
billy - fütykösbot
handicapped - fogyatékos
internship - gyakorlat
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