All the cities in the world
And so very little time and
So many different girls...
All you have to do is find them.
There’s a wealth of opportunity you make your plans accordingly.
A pity but the pretty ones are usually more touristy.
Say, how'd you like to run away from these machines?
Everywhere the spies are printing out your dreams.
Seven stops in seven different countries, seven page itineraries
Memories thick as bloody marys, jesus, jospeh, bloody hell!
Right now we’re here in Boston
In love with downtown crossing
New York will still be there in the morning
Come back to bed my darling
I had Julian and Steve,
You had Julia and Jeanette.
You wear your terror on your sleeve
For all the men I haven't met… yet.
I had Oliver in Potsdam you had Eleanor in Amsterdam
We’re keeping score so carefully we've missed the state we're in completely
worry - aggodalom
world - világ
where - ahol
touristy - turisztikai
these - ezek
there - ott
totally - teljesen
terror - terror
stops - megálló
still - még mindig
spies - kémek
someone - valaki
thick - vastag
sleeve - ujj
scores - pontszámok
pretty - szép
seven - hét
plans - tervek
pants - nadrág
opportunity - lehetőség
oliver - olivér
really - igazán
microwave - mikrohullámú sütő
maybe - talán
wealth - jólét
morning - reggel
matter - ügy
marys - marys
offers - ajánlatok
loved - szeretett
london - London
lived - élt
letter - levél
pulled - húzta
labrador - Labrador
right - jobb
crossing - átkelés
missed - nem fogadott
bloody - véres
about - ról ről
south - déli
couple - párosít
completely - teljesen
countries - országok
choose - választ
cities - városok
tomorrow - holnap
better - jobb
darling - drágám
erase - törli
anyway - akárhogyan is
details - részletek
planted - beültetett
berlin - Berlin
accordingly - eszerint
admit - beismerni
jesus - Jézus
friends - barátok
boston - boston
apartment - lakás
different - különböző
state - állapot
amsterdam - Amszterdam
carefully - gondosan
score - pontszám
assumption - feltevés
machines - gépek
almost - majdnem
downtown - belváros
because - mert
everything - minden
usually - általában
little - kicsit
dreams - álmok
nothing - semmi
eleanor - Eleanor
memories - memóriák
elsewhere - máshol
steve - steve
embarrassing - kínos
everywhere - mindenhol
house - ház
girls - lányok
honestly - őszintén
printing - nyomtatás
happy - boldog
forget - elfelejt
jokes - viccek
firmly - határozottan
count - számol
itineraries - útvonalak
keeping - tartás
julia - julia
julian - Julian
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