My big sister is the best of all the sisters in the world

She says enjoying of the life is the main thing

I agree with her

She's standing by me when I've got hard times

I like about her presence

Even if I fight with her sometimes

It's pretty easy to make friends

I'm sorry about all, I make apology

wrong - rossz
world - világ
times - alkalommal
thing - dolog
every - minden
confess - bevallani
standing - álló
asking - kérve
selfish - önző
enjoying - élvezi
friends - barátok
target - cél
about - ról ről
angry - mérges
matter - ügy
apology - bocsánatkérés
fight - harc
sister - lánytestvér
irritating - zavaró
sisters - nővérek
presence - jelenlét
agree - egyetért
pretty - szép
reasons - okok
sometimes - néha
friend - barát
price - ár
sorry - sajnálom

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