To your brother, to your sister, to your misses, to your mister.

To your friends, to your foes, give the love around and back around it goes.

It all comes from the top and it spreads right round

Treat a man wrong he's gonna pass it on down

To the next in line, who's probably his wife bringing up his kids

Now watching mamma cry

And they pick it up, cause they learn everything

Life has a funny way of going in a ring,

End up growing up in trouble with the law

Standing in the cuffs that the father once wore

Now it seems that every brand new generation

Have all been growing up with cracks in the foundation

Their trying to fill the holes of a whole damn nation

That's lost it's trust (that's lost it's trust)

We gotta change before the train leaves the station and realize the

Revolution in a revelation it takes blood, sweat, tears, innovation It

Starts with us, it starts with us.


Yeah, stuffs like, give the love to your brother,

Give the love to your sister,

Give the love to your misses,

Love to your mister

Give the love to your friends,

Love to your foes,

Give the love around and back around it goes (X2)

Round it goes, round it goes, round it goes goes goes

Give the love around and back around it goes

Oh we're all just folks working in a wheel

Spinning all around life's cruel battlefield

Draw circles in the sand on a rainy day,

Watch it wash away I bet it shows up on a sunny beach a thousand miles away

Flutter from a butterfly forms a storm

yourself - saját magad
years - évek
wrong - rossz
working - dolgozó
whole - egész
watching - nézni
tryna - tryna
trying - megpróbálja
trouble - baj
treat - csemege
cuffs - mandzsetta
friends - barátok
foundation - alapítvány
gonna - fog
forms - formák
folks - emberek
holes - lyukak
sweat - izzad
health - egészség
wealth - jólét
finger - ujj
coming - eljövetel
either - bármelyik
round - kerek
sunny - napos
because - mert
starts - kezdődik
wheel - kerék
generation - generáció
father - apa
blood - vér
better - jobb
cause - ok
whatever - tök mindegy
dance - tánc
brand - márka
cracks - repedések
rehearsal - próba
desensitized - érzéketlenné
revelation - kinyilatkoztatás
cruel - kegyetlen
learn - tanul
flutter - csapkod
again - újra
leaves - levelek
putting - elhelyezés
bigger - nagyobb
about - ról ről
around - körül
exactly - pontosan
bringing - fűződő
point - pont
brother - fiú testvér
watch - néz
storm - vihar
beach - strand
everything - minden
butterfly - pillangó
battlefield - csatatér
growing - növekvő
drama - dráma
miles - mérföld
million - millió
standing - álló
change - változás
circles - körök
chorus - énekkar
funny - vicces
gotta - kell
dealing - foglalkozó
train - vonat
innovation - innováció
karma - karma
matter - ügy
tables - asztalok
mamma - mama
station - állomás
loves - szeret
mister - uram
nation - nemzet
negative - negatív
misses - hiányzik
little - kicsit
spreads - kenhető
neighbour - szomszéd
people - emberek
before - előtt
things - dolgok
pointing - mutatás
positive - pozitív
trust - bizalom
probably - valószínűleg
realize - megvalósítani
rainy - esős
thing - dolog
going - haladó
revolution - forradalom
every - minden
seems - Úgy tűnik,
shows - műsorok

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