Justin Timberlake:
Ohh I've been travelin on this road too long (too long)
Just trying to find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone
Ohh I've been travelin on this road too long (too long)
Just trying to find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone
Ever had one of dem days you wish woulda stayed home
Run into a group of niggas who getting they hate on
You walk by they get wrong you reply then shit get blown
Way outta proportion way past discussion
Just you against them, pick one then rush em
Figure you get jumped here thats next
They don't wanna stop there now they bustin
Now you gushin, ambulance rushin you to the hospital
with a bad concussion
Plus ya hit 4 times bullet hit ya spine paralyzed waist down
now ya wheel chair bound
Never mind that now you lucky to be alive,
Just think it all started you fussin with 3 guys
Nigga ya pride in the way but ya pride is the way
wrong - rossz
yesterday - tegnap
wheel - kerék
wanna - akarok
times - alkalommal
trying - megpróbálja
timberlake - Timberlake
their - azok
thats - amit
stress - feszültség
still - még mindig
started - indult
start - rajt
stayed - tartózkodott
hospital - kórház
niggas - niggerek
woulda - woulda
straight - egyenes
group - csoport
today - ma
getting - szerzés
figure - ábra
before - előtt
there - ott
swallow - fecske
ambulance - mentőautó
every - minden
alright - rendben
chair - szék
alive - élő
lucky - szerencsés
waist - derék
concussion - sokk
justin - Justin
think - gondol
against - ellen
usually - általában
pride - büszkeség
bound - köteles
strong - erős
sight - látás
guess - találd ki
heart - szív
bullet - golyó
blown - kifulladt
money - pénz
could - tudott
jumped - ugrott
bustin - Bustin
mistakes - hibák
paralyzed - bénult
music - zene
never - soha
proportion - arány
rushin - berohanni
discussion - vita
spine - gerinc
nigga - nigger
ordinary - rendes
around - körül
shootin - shootin
sense - érzék
north - északi
outta - Outta
projects - projektek
nobody - senki
regrets - sajnálja
blessed - áldott
reply - válasz
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