I daydreamed that we were kids still in high school

Remember when I ran and hid cuz I liked you

We fell in love just because we had the right to

Ain't it crazy how the world and the time flew

You put your digits in my flip phone

Turned up the radio so we could get our kiss on

Ima text you sweet dreams when I get home

But we forget to seize the moment until it's gone

Hall pass skippin class in the back lot

Wish we could travel to the past for one last shot

You'll be my cheerleader I'll be your mascot

Take you to the prom steal a kiss that your dad caught

Years later gettin married how the wine taste

Ima put you in my top eight on my myspace

Maybe it's the wrong time but the right place

But whatever the case just, just

Hop in my jeep, there's no doors on it

Kick it with me, I'm all yours baby

worries - gond
world - világ
white - fehér
until - amíg
trust - bizalom
travel - utazás
taste - íz
things - dolgok
sweet - édes
still - még mindig
spilled - kiömlött
someone - valaki
forget - elfelejt
cheerleader - pompomlány
married - házas
doors - ajtók
grateful - hálás
heaven - menny
dreams - álmok
eight - nyolc
steal - lop
digits - számjegy
older - idősebb
caught - elkapott
liked - tetszett
gettin - Kezd
really - igazán
remember - emlékezik
bottle - üveg
yours - a tiéd
there - ott
school - iskola
because - mert
every - minden
wrong - rossz
beach - strand
years - évek
class - osztály
turned - fordult
nothin - semmi
maybe - talán
wanna - akarok
radio - rádió
daydreamed - álmodozott
could - tudott
beside - mellett
dress - ruha
mascot - kabala
crazy - őrült
finest - legjobb
later - a későbbiekben
laughing - nevetés
initials - monogram
right - jobb
myspace - az én helyem
timeless - időtlen
never - soha
nobody - senki
heart - szív
moment - pillanat
phone - telefon
place - hely
seize - megragadják
whatever - tök mindegy
single - egyetlen
shape - alak
shoulder - váll

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