it's too early for the circus, it's too late for the bars, no one's sleepin'

but the paperboys, and no one in this town is makin' any noise, but the dogs

and the milkmen and me.

the girls around here all look like cadillacs, no one likes a stranger here,

i'd come home but i'm afraid that you won't take me back, but i'd trade off

everything just to have you near.

tried - megpróbálta
trade - kereskedelmi
still - még mindig
cause - ok
cadillacs - Cadillac
arrested - letartóztatott
stranger - idegen
counterfeit - hamisított
broken - törött
behave - viselkedik
rumors - pletykák
irresponsible - felelőtlen
fifteen - tizenöt
afraid - félnek
about - ról ről
around - körül
dollars - dollár
likes - kedvel
prostitute - prostituált
everything - minden
girls - lányok
circus - cirkusz
grave - sír
listen - hallgat
early - korai
makeup - smink
noise - zaj
probably - valószínűleg

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