Small Change got rained on with his own thirty-eight,
And nobody flinched down by the arcade
And the marquees weren't weeping, they went stark-raving mad,
And the cabbies were the only ones that really had it made
And his cold trousers were twisted, and the sirens high and shrill,
And crumpled in his fist was a five-dollar bill
And the naked mannequins with their Cheshire grins,
And the raconteurs and roustabouts said "Buddy, come on in, 'cause
'Cause the dreams ain't broken down here now, they're walking with a limp
Now that Small Change got rained on with his own thirty-eight"
And nobody flinched down by the arcade
And the burglar alarm's been disconnected,
And the newsmen start to rattle
And the cops are telling jokes about some whorehouse in Seattle
And the fire hydrants plead the Fifth Amendment
And the furniture is bargains galore
But the blood is by the jukebox on an old linoleum floor
And what a hot rain on Forty-Second Street,
wreck - roncs
whores - kurvák
whorehouse - bordélyház
watch - néz
wallet - pénztárca
walking - gyalogló
until - amíg
trousers - nadrág
tragic - tragikus
thirty - harminc
jukebox - wurlitzer
tuberculosis - tuberkulózis
galore - bőven
stains - foltok
cough - köhögés
plead - hivatkozhat
forty - negyven
crumpled - összegyűrt
stark - erős
fistful - fistful
stetson - Stetson
thing - dolog
copped - elcsípett
gumball - gumball
steaming - gőzölgés
broken - törött
arcade - árkád
wheeze - zihálás
blood - vér
whole - egész
hydrants - tűzcsapok
blades - pengék
furniture - bútor
racing - verseny
twisted - csavart
baseball - baseball
about - ról ről
boots - csizma
floor - padló
marquees - sátrak
cashier - pénztáros
siren - sziréna
eight - nyolc
chewing - rágás
naked - meztelen
street - utca
umbrellas - esernyők
amendment - módosítás
dollars - dollár
razor - borotva
pants - nadrág
start - rajt
weeping - síró
bargains - olcsón
burglar - betörő
south - déli
cabbies - cabbies
dollar - dollár
linoleum - linóleum
dreams - álmok
cards - kártyák
chance - véletlen
grins - uśmiecha się
sirens - szirénák
buddy - haver
jokes - viccek
cheshire - Cheshire
close - bezárás
expect - elvár
telling - sokatmondó
teens - подростки
night - éjszaka
teeth - fogak
christmas - karácsony
cools - lehűl
someone - valaki
fifth - ötödik
stilettos - tűsarkú
circled - köröztek
clothing - ruházat
lunatic - őrült
machine - gép
store - bolt
mannequins - próbababák
sidewalk - járda
mouths - szájuk
prophylactics - prophylactique
shrill - éles
nelson - nelson
newsboy - újságárus fiú
newsmen - hírlapírók
flinched - összerándult
tears - könnyek
nobody - senki
skirts - szoknyák
pocket - zseb-
change - változás
rained - esett
porkpie - porkpie
rattle - csörgő
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