[First Verse]
Im used to
going "7 Whole Days" and not hearing from him
and im used to
him "Unbreaking My Heart" then breaking it again
im used to
him never really being "...Man Enough For Me" and always "Talking In His Sleep" but never talking bout me
[Pre Chorus]
Thought it was love
telling me all that pain
thought it was me and just couldnt please a man
just when i thought it wouldnt happen for me
Finally found someone to trust and finally found someone who listens to go out i found my fianlly
know im fiannly gettin it like i need it shorties tryna pull and reach him
oh so long i found my finally (finally)
[Second Verse]
whole - egész
where - ahol
found - talál
gotta - kell
gettin - Kezd
belong - tartoznak
dreamin - Dreamin
sleep - alvás
felling - kivágás
wouldnt - akar
happen - történik
couldnt - Nem tudott
heart - szív
movie - film
going - haladó
listens - figyel
cause - ok
always - mindig
chorus - énekkar
thought - gondolat
finally - végül
another - egy másik
because - mert
count - számol
please - kérem
enough - elég
beatin - beatin
breaking - törés
tryna - tryna
again - újra
story - sztori
breathin - lélegzik
since - mivel
really - igazán
hearing - meghallgatás
telling - sokatmondó
trust - bizalom
never - soha
being - lény
reach - elér
making - gyártás
second - második
shorties - kicsik
someone - valaki
talking - beszél
first - első
wanna - akarok
almost - majdnem
verse - vers
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