It only took a moment, a solitary glance
And I could hear the voice of rapture call
I’ve loved you from a distance, afraid to take a chance
And now it seems I can’t help but to fall
Imagine my surprise to open up my eyes
And find that you were looking back
And suddenly
I’m no longer drifting on an empty sea
And now I know that I believe in destiny
And mine is waiting right here in your arms
I longed to awake besides you and bathe in love's abyss
Washing all that comes before away
And in this frozen moment as I receive your kiss
There will not be words enough to say
words - szavak
waiting - várakozás
touch - érintés
there - ott
solitary - magányos
seems - Úgy tűnik,
washes - mosás
right - jobb
surprise - meglepetés
remember - emlékezik
receive - kap
rapture - elragadtatás
loved - szeretett
besides - kívül
awake - ébren
suddenly - hirtelen
believe - hinni
looking - keres
longed - vágyott
wanna - akarok
thousand - ezer
before - előtt
destiny - sors
chance - véletlen
washing - mosás
drifting - sodródás
cannot - nem tud
afraid - félnek
yearning - sóvárgás
abyss - szakadék
could - tudott
distance - távolság
again - újra
empty - üres
voice - hang
times - alkalommal
moment - pillanat
enough - elég
frozen - fagyott
glance - pillantás
bathe - fürdik
imagine - képzeld el
comes - jön
longer - hosszabb
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