All of a sudden the conversation turns

And everyone concerned is looking down

Guilty party is right here in the room

But no one can assume the high ground

Oh it almost caught up with you

Caught up with you then

Oh you should've thought of this my friend

If you knew it was wrong why did you do it

You don't know, you didn't mean to, it slipped your mind

And it feels so good to feed a habit

You're just making the most of your borrowed time

Waiting for the white light

Heading home you swear that you'll be good

Do everything you should, and know the facts

wrong - rossz
whole - egész
guilty - bűnös
facts - tények
everybody - mindenki
friend - barát
feels - érzi
photographs - fényképeket
recedes - visszahúzódik
everyone - mindenki
swear - esküszik
taught - tanított
conversation - beszélgetés
light - fény
habit - szokás
concerned - az érintett
crime - bűn
right - jobb
tragedy - tragédia
aware - tudatában van
everything - minden
because - mert
turns - menetek
takes - vesz
borrowed - kölcsönzött
caught - elkapott
committing - elkövetése
again - újra
rolling - gördülő
almost - majdnem
break - szünet
broken - törött
assume - feltételezni
shine - ragyog
heading - cím
looking - keres
making - gyártás
party - party
white - fehér
matter - ügy
morning - reggel
petty - piti
needs - igények
slipped - elcsúszott
sudden - hirtelen
thought - gondolat
ground - talaj
should - kellene
waiting - várakozás

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