Is it so wrong if i don't pay my rent?

No! Responsibility, I gave it up for lent

Sell your wares, pollute the air

I don't care

Fresh air's for squares

Now if it were up to me

The piper would be up the creek

and the fiddler too

'Cuase neither one of you would be paid

I need the cash for getting laid ;P

And i don't mind

To seem unusually unkind

You ask what kind of guy am I

I'm a friend of the irresponsible fools

Who don't have time for rules

The irresponsible who wouldn't

wrong - rossz
would - lenne
fresh - friss
friend - barát
fools - bolondok
chores - házimunkát
bored - unott
forsaken - elhagyott
feeling - érzés
dolphin - delfin
without - nélkül
think - gondol
distracted - zaklatott
irresponsible - felelőtlen
aware - tudatában van
leave - szabadság
school - iskola
fiddler - hegedűs
whole - egész
skirt - szoknya
burns - égések
piper - dudás
before - előtt
responsibility - felelősség
rules - szabályok
aerosol - aeroszol
gotten - ütött
about - ról ről
bloody - véres
happens - megtörténik
getting - szerzés
caught - elkapott
rogue - gazember
miracle - csoda
neither - se
requires - igényel
never - soha
pathetic - szánalmas
tastes - ízek
politically - politikailag
creek - patak
pollute - szennyezik
unkind - barátságtalan
unusually - szokatlanul
should - kellene
squares - négyzetek
those - azok
walked - sétált
quite - egészen
wares - pékáru

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