[Son:] I saw the eyes of the american war machine
[Father:] Its such a fine way of thinking to get us some scene
[Son:] The video war games can sometimes be so boring!
[Father:] Sand castles made to crash! Youre not a boy anymore
If you cant grab a gun youll stay alone at the shore
and everybody thinks youre too childlish and unable to get along!
[Zombie (comes):] Come here - you got caught!
I got my eyes on you! Be good, be my body -
I put my lies in you!
Do you remember when your daddy felt quite mad
'coz he didnt understand why you felt so sad;
[Father:] My boy, you have to face it, youre becoming a man!
zombie - zombi
wasnt - wasnt
where - ahol
video - videó-
unable - képtelen
tunes - dallamok
thinks - azt hiszi
thinking - gondolkodás
think - gondol
father - apa
though - bár
didnt - didnt
american - amerikai
everywhere - mindenhol
quite - egészen
youre - te vagy
theres - ott
today - ma
crash - csattanás
daddy - apu
crazy - őrült
boring - unalmas
dream - álom
caught - elkapott
along - mentén
looking - keres
chorus - énekkar
alone - egyedül
swallow - fecske
anymore - többé
share - ossza meg
should - kellene
everybody - mindenki
machine - gép
around - körül
answer - válasz
slept - aludt
comes - jön
broken - törött
changin - Changin
becoming - egyre
games - játékok
going - haladó
matter - ügy
girls - lányok
pieces - darabok
nevermind - nem fontos
sometimes - néha
scene - színhely
number - szám
please - kérem
through - keresztül
castles - várak
pride - büszkeség
remember - emlékezik
right - jobb
understand - megért
stand - állvány
shore - part
still - még mindig
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