I was on the block picturing blocks at fifteen,

I remember underage drinking at sixteen,

Then my nuts in Cali banging at seventeen,

Now I got everything, bitch, I got everything.

My back was to the wall, visited all, after all, all I had was me

Just tenacity, so we all leave with a sense of sweet

Then everything I write around got a cotton seat,

Fuck y'all dry, saw off and done rapidly.

Partner, now let's be honest, ain't got no good intentions,

The upper tune is the dudes moving in my position.

But I'm a heavy, wait humble, hitting the heavy bag

Waiting for the day I stumble across your fucking ass.

Instead I push the work in, chin up and chest out,

Picking the shit up where I left off,

You went soft intention too tenant to deal with the Los Angel,

I admit it, I bull shit and gave you the wrong angle,

Now I have a seat at my table, let me do you the business,

Diversify you millions, you can leave off the entrance.

Make every revenue street flood to where it took me,

And make that money stack higher than giraffes.

I was on the block picturing blocks at fifteen,

I remember underage drinking at sixteen,

Then my nuts in Cali banging at seventeen,

Now I got everything, bitch, I got everything.

I used to have a Glock that I would shot to at backpack

So it will leave no shells at the scene where I was getting my kid back.

Yeah, this for the homie whack, rolled to and chopped up,

wrong - rossz
write - ír
where - ahol
welcome - üdvözöljük
waiting - várakozás
visited - látogatott
vending - árusító
using - használva
truck - kamion
tenant - bérlő
telling - sokatmondó
table - asztal
symphony - szimfónia
weapon - fegyver
swing - hinta
sweet - édes
would - lenne
stumble - botlás
stage - színpad
spring - tavaszi
something - valami
sixteen - tizenhat
shells - kagyló
seventeen - tizenhét
sense - érzék
scene - színhely
salute - üdvözöl
remember - emlékezik
rapidly - gyorsan
stand - állvány
presence - jelenlét
fifteen - tizenöt
revenue - jövedelem
felony - bűntett
chopped - szeletelt
drive - hajtás
blocks - blokkok
motherfucker - köcsög
leave - szabadság
deliver - szállít
everything - minden
talking - beszél
defined - [object Object]
because - mert
upper - felső
mansion - kastély
essence - lényeg
underage - kiskorú
drinking - ivás
dangerous - veszélyes
crush - szétzúz
bitches - szukák
whole - egész
dragged - húzni
freedom - szabadság
glock - Glock
mould - öntőforma
heavy - nehéz, súlyos
nobody - senki
street - utca
compares - összehasonlítja
fight - harc
chances - esélyeit
catch - fogás
march - március
rolled - tekercselt
after - után
intention - szándék
angel - angyal
flood - árvíz
moving - mozgó
acquired - szerzett
about - ról ről
message - üzenet
oppressors - elnyomók
pussy - punci
backpack - hátizsák
tenacity - kitartás
block - blokk
allegiance - hűség
acknowledge - elismerni
across - át
classic - klasszikus
nothing - semmi
picking - feltörés
admit - beismerni
locked - zárt
bunch - csokor
entrance - bejárat
partner - partner
bitch - kurva
united - egyesült
angle - szög
humble - alázatos
stack - kazal
business - üzleti
their - azok
homie - haver
blast - robbanás
saying - mondás

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