Before I say goodbye
I'd like to say good day
And I hope you say "good buy"
When they ask was it worth for you to pay
For my music, for pressin' play
For all the stress that went into my songs
My love and hate
The most honest I could be with you to date
Is to say thank thank you Shady
For lettin' me be me with no holds barred
Thank you for the chance to enhance this old car
This old jar of moonshine is but
Two fine lines on a blank sheet but so far
These two lines point directed to my home on the mothership sonar
Valet UFOs, I go park
The dirty south needs a soap bar
In the mouth of these MCs but
But who am I to judge on what they love?
I guess they enjoy being broke and co-stars
And I'm soakin' so hard
From the sweat that I could take my clothes off
I done fucked and raped the whole yard
Should sit back and shake the gold off
But I'm already gone
worth - érdemes
wives - feleségek
violence - erőszak
trailer - filmelőzetes
toned - tónusú
think - gondol
teller - bankpénztáros
stress - feszültség
stars - csillagok
sonar - hanglokátor
sheet - lap
shady - árnyas
school - iskola
reflect - tükrözik
raped - megerőszakolták
valet - inas
piece - darab
phone - telefon
place - hely
outta - Outta
mouth - száj
mothership - anyahajó
thank - köszönet
money - pénz
popped - beugrott
dream - álom
dirty - piszkos
wonder - csoda
daddy - apu
clean - tiszta
could - tudott
albums - album
moonshine - holdfény
little - kicsit
lowriders - lowriders
already - már
these - ezek
directed - irányított
other - más
about - ról ről
whole - egész
goodbye - viszontlátásra
shining - csillogó
american - amerikai
letters - betűk
speak - beszél
songs - dalok
cribs - kiságy
might - esetleg
barred - rácsos
taught - tanított
chance - véletlen
before - előtt
beams - gerendák
times - alkalommal
dropped - leesett
dixie - csajka
broke - törött
calzone - calzone
being - lény
seedless - magtalan
clothes - ruhák
grown - felnőtt
reason - ok
lettuce - saláta
blank - üres
postcard - képeslap
boxes - dobozok
should - kellene
music - zene
enhance - fokozza
three - három
single - egyetlen
enjoy - élvez
leave - szabadság
south - déli
lines - vonalak
envelope - boríték
needs - igények
front - elülső
vision - látomás
green - zöld
guess - találd ki
sweat - izzad
glock - Glock
point - pont
holds - tart
happy - boldog
heard - hallott
under - alatt
honest - becsületes
shake - ráz
judge - bíró
fucked - szar
light - fény
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