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Tanulás elkezdése
Hey, that's not even necessary,
all right, man?
I got this situation in hand.
Some of us citizens are
behind you all the way, officer.
- What's your fucking problem?
- I'm on parole.
- That's why you're running away?
- Yeah.
Sit your country ass down, man.
All right, listen up!
I don't like white people!
I hate rednecks!
You people are rednecks.
That means I'm enjoying this shit.
You loaded here.
Where the fuck did you get this?
- Tax refund.
- Bullshit.
Too fucking stupid to have a job.
You don't like that?
You don't like that shit?
You hate that shit, right?
What the hell kind
of cop are you?
You know what I am? I'm your
worst fucking nightmare, man.
I'm a nigger with a badge.
That mean I got permission to kick
your fucking ass whenever I feel like it.
All right, listen up, man.
One of them's underage,
another one attacked a police officer,
and I still ain't found
what I'm looking for yet.
Well, look, I think you're on your way
to being out of business, all right?
Let's see
what we can fuck with next.
Hey, man! All right! Okay!
Okay, okay! Now, listen.
The Indian hangs out with a chick
who lives up the block.
Just head up the alley, across
the street, where Chinatown starts,
she lives on top of the jewelry store.
I didn't ask you shit about his girl, man.
Come on, give me a break, will you?
You're gonna have to settle for
her place 'cause it's all I know.
I'm telling you. I'm giving you all I know!
Well, look, hoss.
You start running
a respectable business,
and I won't have to come in here
and hassle you every night.
Know what I mean?
And I want the rest of you cowboys
to know something.
There's a new sheriff in town.
And his name is Reggie Hammond.
worst - legrosszabb
white - fehér
underage - kiskorú
think - gondol
telling - sokatmondó
stupid - hülye
street - utca
still - még mindig
starts - kezdődik
something - valami
sheriff - seriff
settle - rendezni
right - jobb
respectable - tiszteletreméltó
every - minden
jewelry - ékszerek
citizens - polgárok
hangs - lóg
chinatown - kínai negyed
badge - jelvény
running - futás
chick - csaj
fucking - kibaszott
giving - így
business - üzleti
place - hely
another - egy másik
situation - helyzet
indian - indián
attacked - támadták
behind - mögött
block - blokk
lives - életét
about - ról ről
parole - becsületszó
where - ahol
whenever - bármikor
country - ország
bullshit - hülyeség
being - lény
across - át
break - szünet
gonna - fog
refund - visszatérítés
hammond - hammond
permission - engedély
hassle - szóváltás
nightmare - lidércnyomás
reggie - Reggie
enjoying - élvezi
cowboys - cowboyok
listen - hallgat
loaded - töltött
found - talál
looking - keres
means - eszközök
alley - sikátor
necessary - szükséges
nigger - néger
people - emberek
night - éjszaka
store - bolt
officer - tiszt
police - rendőrség
start - rajt
problem - probléma
rednecks - napvilágba
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