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Tanulás elkezdése
Could you just stop that, please?
You, stop tapping.
Let's just have a break, shall we? Just...
Right, what's next?
This one's in German. Wow.
Let me be able to understand German.
What are you talking about, Dennis?
Shut up, OK? I can handle this.
Dennis, she is madly in love with me, OK?
What is wrong with that?
She's not gonna
wanna marry me.
Or have my children.
Dennis, what are you talking about?
What are you talking about?
Dennis, be able to speak.
- What?
- Biscuits.
Maybe if I make her love me
like a little bit, you know,
not so much, so she
wants to marry me
For crying out loud,
they're in the cupboard.
- What are?
- Biscuits.
I'm not gonna give you a biscuit
until you answer my question.
Red biscuits. Black biscuits.
- Is that all you think about?
- Biscuits.
Please, please, please.
Nothing else matters.
- Biscuits, please.
- All right.
All right, Dennis,
become a rational, thinking creature.
Look, I just can't concentrate on anything
until I've had one of those biscuits.
I know it's crazy but
that's how it is.
I guess I'm kind
of hooked on them.
So please give me just one biscuit,
then I'll be able to think
about something else.
That makes sense.
This is it!
He's getting them.
He's got them.
He's going to throw one there.
Here it comes.
God, it must be
terrible being a dog.
I never realised you
had so many cravings.
- İt's no worse than you and that bitch.
- What bitch?
The bitch you were shagging last night.
Oh, my God. She's not a bitch, OK?
She's a lovely human female.
And we weren't just shagging.
Yes, you were.
No, actually, we were doing
a lot of talking.
Talking about shagging.
What else is there to talk about?
Come to think of it, I wouldn't
mind shagging your leg right now.
How about a little leg dance?
I thought I turned you into
a rational, thinking creature.
Rational, thinking creatures
still have desires.
Oh, well,
we can soon deal with that.
- No, don't take my desires away from me.
- Why not?
They're what makes my life worth living.
Biscuits, shagging.
I don't think I like your conversation.
But I worship you, master.
I love you so much.
I can't bear displeasing you.
My whole world collapses
when you're cross with me.
Maybe it was better
when you didn't talk.
Oh, no, don't take away my power of speech
now that I can think rationally.
That would be so cruel.
Somebody at the door.
The bell
Hey, hey, somebody.
There it goes again.
Hey, hey, somebody at the door.
Oh, no, have I done something wrong again?
No, just... Just be quiet.
Do you understand me?
Yes. Yes, anything to stop you
being angry with me.
There it goes again!
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Dennis, listen. Just listen, listen, listen, listen.
Be quiet. That is an order.
I like obeying orders,
especially your orders.
Good. Well, then, shut the fuck up.
Right, right. Shut the fuck up.
Yeah, right.
Good boy.
would - lenne
worse - rosszabb
wanna - akarok
throw - dobás
thought - gondolat
wants - akar
think - gondol
turned - fordult
terrible - szörnyű
those - azok
tapping - megcsapolás
still - még mindig
something - valami
somebody - valaki
shall - köteles
world - világ
sense - érzék
realised - realizált
quiet - csendes
there - ott
question - kérdés
power - erő
please - kérem
wrong - rossz
orders - rendelés
order - sorrend
speak - beszél
obeying - engedelmeskedik
worship - imádat
maybe - talán
rationally - ésszerűen
matters - ügyek
shagging - shagging
master - fő-
marry - feleségül vesz
night - éjszaka
makes - gyártmányú
never - soha
madly - őrülten
lovely - bájos
crazy - őrült
creature - teremtmény
could - tudott
little - kicsit
conversation - beszélgetés
thinking - gondolkodás
creatures - lények
comes - jön
children - gyermekek
break - szünet
guess - találd ki
collapses - összeesik
angry - mérges
actually - tulajdonképpen
handle - fogantyú
answer - válasz
talking - beszél
about - ról ről
black - fekete
going - haladó
rational - racionális
gonna - fog
whole - egész
bitch - kurva
dennis - Dennis
concentrate - sűrítmény
nothing - semmi
being - lény
understand - megért
cravings - sóvárgás
right - jobb
cupboard - szekrény
female - női
anything - bármi
again - újra
biscuits - keksz
cruel - kegyetlen
hooked - hajlott
crying - síró
speech - beszéd
cross - kereszt
become - válik
dance - tánc
german - német
until - amíg
desires - vágyak
better - jobb
getting - szerzés
especially - különösen
displeasing - nem tetsző
human - emberi
worth - érdemes
biscuit - keksz
listen - hallgat
doing - csinál
living - élő
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