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Tanulás elkezdése
Here's a friend
standing directly
in front of you,
trying to talk to you.
And you choose to talk about the fact
that you don't have any friends.
- You know what I mean.
- No.
No, I don't think
you want any help.
I think you want to have a little pity party.
Yeah. I think Annie wants
a little pity party.
- You're an asshole, Annie! - Oh, my God. What are you doing?
You're an asshole. I'm life.
ls life bothering you?
I'm life, Annie.
You better learn to fight.
I'm life and I'm going
to bite you in the ass!
- Megan. . .
- It's not me. I'm your life. Turn over!
I'm trying to get you to fight
for your shitty life, and you won't do it!
- You just won't do it.
- Stop it.
You stop slapping yourself.
Stop slapping yourself.
I'm your life, Annie.
I'm your shitty. . .
I'm sorry.
Nice hit.
All right. I'm glad to see you've
got a little bit of spark in you.
I knew that Annie
was in there somewhere.
I think. . .
I think you're ready now to hear a little
story about a girl.
A girl named Megan.
A girl named Megan that didn't have
a very good time in high school.
I'm referring to
myself when I say "Megan."
It's me, Megan.
I know you look at
me now and think,
Boy, she must have
breezed through high school.
Not the case, Annie.
No, this was not easy
going up and down the halls.
Okay? They used to
try to blow me up.
They threw firecrackers at my head.
I mean literally. I'm not saying
that figuratively.
I got firecrackers thrown at my head.
They called me a freak.
Do you think I
let that break me?
Do you think I went home
to my mommy, crying,
I don't have any friends.
Megan doesn't have any friends?
No, I did not.
You know what I did?
I pulled myself up,
I studied really hard.
I read every book in
the library. And now?
I work for the government.
I have the highest possible
security clearance.
Don't repeat that!
I can't protect you.
I know where all the nukes are
and I know the codes.
I won't say anything.
You would be amazed.
A lot of shopping malls.
Don't repeat that!
I have six houses.
I bought an 18-wheeler
a couple of months ago just because I could.
Okay, you lost Lillian.
You got another best friend
sitting right in front of you,
if you would notice.
Now, you got to stop
feeling sorry for yourself.
'Cause I do not
associate with people
that blame the world
for their problems.
'Cause you're
your problem, Annie.
And you're also
your solution.
Right? I mean, that's. . .
You get that?
I just miss her, I guess.
Yeah, I know you do.
I know you do.
All right, come on. Bring it in.
There's the Annie. . .
There's the Annie I
knew was there, okay?
All right. Man, you have gotto wash your hair.
I'm sorry.
You've got to
wash that hair.
yourself - saját magad
world - világ
where - ahol
wheeler - targoncás
thrown - dobott
wants - akar
think - gondol
their - azok
standing - álló
spark - szikra
sitting - ülés
security - biztonság
there - ott
school - iskola
really - igazán
ready - kész
sorry - sajnálom
pulled - húzta
protect - véd
problems - problémák
problem - probléma
possible - lehetséges
nukes - fejeket
studied - tanult
story - sztori
notice - értesítés
months - hónap
would - lenne
mommy - Anyu
crying - síró
choose - választ
trying - megpróbálja
repeat - ismétlés
called - hívott
codes - kódok
break - szünet
shitty - szaros
saying - mondás
guess - találd ki
bought - vásárolt
threw - dobta
could - tudott
freak - szörnyszülött
through - keresztül
referring - utaló
bring - hoz
little - kicsit
bothering - zavaró
directly - közvetlenül
annie - Annie
amazed - meghökkent
about - ról ről
couple - párosít
another - egy másik
somewhere - valahol
associate - munkatárs
halls - csarnokok
breezed - breezed
highest - legmagasabb
megan - Megan
anything - bármi
lillian - Lillian
better - jobb
blame - feddés
doing - csinál
myself - magamat
because - mert
every - minden
right - jobb
named - nevezett
feeling - érzés
solution - megoldás
fight - harc
figuratively - képletesen
firecrackers - petárdákat
shopping - bevásárlás
friend - barát
library - könyvtár
asshole - seggfej
friends - barátok
front - elülső
going - haladó
people - emberek
clearance - vámkezelés
gotto - meg kell
slapping - csapva
party - party
government - kormány
houses - házak
learn - tanul
literally - szó szerint
malls - bevásárlóközpontok
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