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Tanulás elkezdése
What happened to me? How about
my mother abandoned me for four days,
and now she shows up out of the blue
with some stranger
that she's gonna have
sex with in my house?
- Our house.
- Our house that I pay all the rent on,
while she stays at home and smokes pot!
- Christine, that is not fair.
- My life is a cesspool!
I'm so, so sorry the smell
is inconvenient for you.
It must be very, very nice
to have an escape hatch.
Christine, you are scaring me.
It's getting to feel a lot like Boston.
What is this?
Bring up Boston month? I'm...
I'm hurting. I'm in pain here.
And it is... it is that simple.
Baby, I can see that.
What do you want me to do? Tell me
what to do. Look at me. I'm here!
- But he's...
- Forget about him. Never mind him.
Look at me. Look at Mom.
You... You have these moods, baby.
You know you do.
You put all this pressure on yourself,
and this is how it comes out.
Can you see that? For a second.
And I'm not always equipped
to deal with it.
Maybe you should go back
to Dr. Benolken for a little.
- You liked him.
That is a temporary solution.
I need to fix my life.
My life is the problem.
What? He's answering the phone now?
Uh, she's indisposed right now.
Can I take a message?
Yes, could you tell her
that Jean called?
And that I... uh, wanted to talk to her.
And that I'm her friend, and I'm sorry.
- Alright.
- You know, I guess...
Can you just ask her to call me back?
Why don't you just invite him
to move in with us, hm?
Maybe I will. Maybe I'll move out.
- Oh, the truth comes out!
- My God! You want me to act like this!
I... I don't know
what to do with you sometimes!
You want me to be your mom,
you want me to be your friend,
you want me to be your punching bag!
I am a person, too, Chris!
We're both adults here!
I'm your child! You were supposed
to figure this all out.
And maybe if you did, and spared me
for one day all your hippie baloney,
I would actually understand
how the world works!
I love you. Look, look,
let's just take some breaths.
Why would you love me?
It's weird that we live together.
Just say it.
- I won't say that!
- We both know what's going on here, Peg.
I got all turned around in Boston,
and I come here
to relax and rehabilitate,
and you're here to babysit me.
- I won't say something that's not true.
- Well, it's not relaxing here, Peg!
It's a trap here!
These people
are ruining me all over again!
- These people...?
- Why won't anyone just listen to me?
yourself - saját magad
would - lenne
world - világ
weird - furcsa
together - együtt
these - ezek
temporary - ideiglenes
supposed - feltételezett
spared - megkímélte
sorry - sajnálom
sometimes - néha
understand - megért
solution - megoldás
smokes - dohányzik
smell - szag
simple - egyszerű
shows - műsorok
right - jobb
relaxing - pihentető
problem - probléma
phone - telefon
ruining - tönkreteszi
person - személy
people - emberek
mother - anya
scaring - hegképződés
comes - jön
adults - felnőttek
always - mindig
chris - Chris
cesspool - emésztőgödör
guess - találd ki
turned - fordult
called - hívott
abandoned - elhagyatott
something - valami
boston - boston
should - kellene
baloney - halandzsa
hippie - hippi
never - soha
christine - Christine
babysit - gyermekre vigyáz
could - tudott
bring - hoz
little - kicsit
month - hónap
actually - tulajdonképpen
around - körül
child - gyermek
breaths - légvételek
liked - tetszett
again - újra
punching - átlyukasztás
alright - rendben
stranger - idegen
answering - üzenetrögzítő
while - míg
anyone - bárki
truth - igazság
equipped - felszerelt
pressure - nyomás
figure - ábra
escape - menekülni
stays - tartózkodás
forget - elfelejt
friend - barát
maybe - talán
second - második
getting - szerzés
wanted - kívánatos
moods - hangulatok
going - haladó
relax - kipiheni magát
gonna - fog
hurting - fáj
indisposed - gyengélkedő
listen - hallgat
happened - történt
hatch - nyílás
house - ház
inconvenient - kényelmetlen
works - művek
invite - meghívás
rehabilitate - rehabilitál
about - ról ről
message - üzenet
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