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Tanulás elkezdése
There's a madman loose.
I've asked you what's being done.
Fair enough?
We've got a dozen men
checking identification files.
Checking on all known extortionists,
its rooftop prowlers...
-...rifle nuts, peepers--
- Mr. Mayor?
We've arranged for rooftop
surveillance and helicopter patrols...
...especially around the Catholic churches
and schools and in the black area.
Ballistics is checking on the slug.
We're pretty sure it's a 30-06.
- Seven lands and grooves, right-hand twist--
- Oh, sir?
We're running a computer check...
...on everybody in the files
whose birthday falls between...
-...October 23 and November the 21st.
- Why?
Natives of Scorpio.
Thank you, inspector.
Have any of you
mentioned this note to anyone?
How about you?
- Nobody.
- Your wife, sweetheart? Press?
All right.
Give the message to The Chronicle.
Wait a minute. Do I get this right?
You're gonna play
this creep's game?
It'll get us more
breathing space.
So, it might get somebody killed.
Don't you let me
meet with the son of a bitch?
None of that.
We'd end up with a real bloodbath.
I agree with the chief.
We'll do it this way, all right?
Thank you, Mr. Mayor.
Come on, Callahan, let's go.
- Callahan?
- Sir?
I don't want any more trouble like you had
last year in the Fillmore district.
Understand? That's my policy.
Yeah, well, when an adult male
is chasing a female...
...with intent to commit rape,
I shoot the bastard.
That's my policy.
Intent? How did you
establish that?
Well, a naked man is chasing
a woman through an alley
with a butcher
knife and a hard-on
...I figure he isn't out
collecting for the Red Cross.
I think he's got a point.
trouble - baj
think - gondol
surveillance - felügyelet
space - hely
shoot - lő
schools - iskolákban
right - jobb
understand - megért
sweetheart - édesem
rifle - puska
pretty - szép
policy - irányelv
point - pont
thank - köszönet
peepers - peepers
november - november
natives - bennszülöttek
might - esetleg
mentioned - említett
press - nyomja meg
loose - laza
lands - földek
intent - elszánt
inspector - ellenőr
dozen - tucat
october - október
catholic - katolikus
commit - elkövetni
woman - nő
breathing - lélegző
knife - kés
everybody - mindenki
through - keresztül
minute - perc
check - jelölje be
bitch - kurva
chasing - vadászrepülőgép
gonna - fog
files - fájlok
patrols - járőrök
between - között
district - kerület
being - lény
scorpio - Skorpió
agree - egyetért
chronicle - krónika
killed - elesett
helicopter - helikopter
message - üzenet
black - fekete
about - ról ről
seven - hét
around - körül
mayor - polgármester
birthday - születésnap
callahan - callahan
known - ismert
anyone - bárki
extortionists - extortionists
alley - sikátor
bloodbath - vérfürdő
asked - kérdezte
establish - létrehozni
adult - felnőtt
twist - csavar
naked - meztelen
bastard - fattyú
arranged - elrendezve
ballistics - ballisztika
prowlers - Prowlers
checking - ellenőrzése
butcher - hentes
churches - templomok
computer - számítógép
madman - őrült
cross - kereszt
chief - fő
enough - elég
especially - különösen
collecting - gyűjtő
falls - zuhatag
female - női
figure - ábra
somebody - valaki
rooftop - tetőtéri
fillmore - Fillmore
whose - akinek
nobody - senki
grooves - barázdák
running - futás
identification - azonosítás
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