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Tanulás elkezdése
- Hey Trap, how are you?
- I'm doing great.
It's a beautiful day, and
Trump is the Republican Presidential Nominee.
- That's a good thing?
- Oh sure, the GOP's basically
thrown this election away.
The future's looking bright.
Unless he somehow wins the election.
God he's only one election
away from becoming the most powerful person in the country.
He's half of the viable
options for President.
It's insane!
It's insane.
It's insane, impossible, crazy to think that buffoon
could ever win an election.
I can't stop laughing.
It's a big joke.
Joke on all of us that
Trump even got this far is an embarrassment.
For Republicans. And all of America.
We can put all that behind us soon
‘cause there's no way the
a majority of American's will get behind Trump.
Like a majority of his party did.
But only because their options were
more numerous and varied then
any time in recent memory.
And still they elect this narcissistic guaranteed loser.
Every pundit agrees, there's no way he could win the election.
Just like they agreed he'd
never win the nomination.
But they're definitely right this time,
at their heart Americans
aren't that stupid.
No no, no no no, we're better then that.
Trump will lose, he has to.
Unless he woos the same
small group of swing voters that decide every election.
Which definitely maybe
won't could happen right
and then Trump will be gone forever.
Or he'll become a permanent
political fixture, even if he loses like Sarah Palin.
How are you?
- Same.
voters - választók
viable - életképes
varied - változatos
unless - hacsak
thrown - dobott
which - melyik
think - gondol
thing - dolog
their - azok
stupid - hülye
still - még mindig
somehow - valahogy
sarah - Sára
right - jobb
trump - adu
republicans - republikánusok
republican - köztársasági
small - kicsi
recent - friss
presidential - elnöki
person - személy
permanent - állandó
party - party
palin - Palin
doing - csinál
political - politikai
crazy - őrült
better - jobb
election - választás
laughing - nevetés
definitely - egyértelműen
elect - választ
powerful - erős
becoming - egyre
americans - amerikaiak
america - Amerika
country - ország
beautiful - szép
behind - mögött
group - csoport
guaranteed - garantált
swing - hinta
decide - döntsd el
could - tudott
fixture - alkatrész
agreed - egyetért
agrees - egyetért
never - soha
basically - alapvetően
options - lehetőségek
cause - ok
become - válik
forever - örökké
great - nagy
embarrassment - zavar
happen - történik
heart - szív
pundit - tudós
memory - memória
buffoon - pojáca
impossible - lehetetlen
insane - őrült
maybe - talán
numerous - számos
president - elnök
looking - keres
because - mert
every - minden
narcissistic - nárcisztikus
loses - veszít
nomination - jelölés
bright - fényes
majority - többség
loser - vesztes
nominee - jelölt
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