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Tanulás elkezdése
Curtis, how did it go
with American Bandstand?
Timing's not right.
Well, maybe they'll be more
interested after we play the Copa.
- Y'all ain't playing the Copa.
- What?
I'm breaking you and Jimmy up.
I know what you're doing, Curtis!
You're breaking us up 'cause
you don't want me with Jimmy.
None of you do!
Because you're all jealous!
Well, nothing's breaking me
and Jimmy up! Nothing!
I'm breaking you up because
Jimmy is going back out on the road,
while you stay here
and open your own act.
Did you say our own act?
Finally, Curtis! This is what
I've been waiting for. I love you.
Oh, well, honey, I'm fine with that.
I mean, I love me some Jimmy,
but I'm not gonna be singing
behind him the rest of my life.
Ladies and gentlemen,
presenting The Dreams.
The Dreamettes were little girls.
You're women now.
- You see, Deena, I told you!
- We open in a week,
so we got a lot of work to do.
We're gonna have a lot of changes.
I'm bringing on Jolly Jenkins
to stage a whole new show.
He's done movies, Broadway,
clubs acts, you name it.
New wigs, the expensive kind.
Brand-new costumes
to appeal to a younger crowd.
And... Effie?
- Deena's going to sing lead.
- Deena's doing what?
- Lead.
- What do you mean?
I always sing lead. Tell him, C.C.
Now we're trying
something new, Effie.
- You knew about this?
- Curtis and I talked it over.
He said it's only temporary.
We finally get the chance
to have our own act
and Deena's doing lead?
She can't sing like I can.
She's right, Curtis. I can't.
I don't want to.
Now, y'all gonna do
what I tell you to do.
This is a new sound
with a new look.
New look?
Nobody can see her on a record!
The way we're gonna be able to change
things is by appealing to kids,
and kids today watch television.
So Deena's going to sing in the lead
'cause you like the way she looks?
Am I ugly to you, Curtis?
You know how I feel about
you. Come on.
- Don't make it personal.
- Well, what am I supposed to do?
Deena's beautiful and she's
always been beautiful!
But I've got the voice, Curtis!
I've got the voice!
You can't put me in back! You just can't!
women - nők
whole - egész
while - míg
waiting - várakozás
today - ma
things - dolgok
temporary - ideiglenes
television - televízió
supposed - feltételezett
younger - fiatalabb
stage - színpad
watch - néz
something - valami
right - jobb
record - rekord
presenting - bemutató
playing - játszik
crowd - tömeg
changes - változtatások
ladies - hölgyek
change - változás
bringing - fűződő
dreamettes - dreamettes
deena - deena
breaking - törés
curtis - Curtis
honey - édesem
jolly - vidám
always - mindig
american - amerikai
broadway - broadway
looks - úgy néz ki,
voice - hang
appeal - fellebbezés
brand - márka
chance - véletlen
beautiful - szép
sound - hang
about - ról ről
costumes - jelmezek
clubs - klubok
talked - beszélt
because - mert
singing - éneklés
after - után
bandstand - zenekari pavilon
behind - mögött
appealing - tetszetős
doing - csinál
effie - effie
expensive - drága
finally - végül
personal - személyes
going - haladó
gonna - fog
trying - megpróbálja
girls - lányok
gentlemen - urak
interested - érdekelt
jealous - irigy
jimmy - feszítővas
dreams - álmok
little - kicsit
jenkins - Jenkins
maybe - talán
movies - filmek
nobody - senki
nothing - semmi
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