Tanulj igazi angolt filmekből és könyvekből!
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Tanulás elkezdése
Three weeks we've been talking
about the Platt Amendment.
What are you people,
on dope?
A piece of legislation was introduced
into Congress by Senator John Platt.
It was passed in 1906.
This amendment
to our Constitution...
has a profound impact
upon all of our--
Where is Jeff Spicoli?
I saw him earlier today near the first
floor bathrooms.
ls he still on campus?
Anyone? Yes, Desmond?
I saw him
by the food machines.
- How long ago?
- Right before class.
Bring him in.
What is this fascination
with truancy?
What is it
that gets inside your heads?
There are some teachers in this school
who look the other way at truants.
It's a little game
that you both play.
They pretend they don't see you.
You pretend you don't ditch.
Now, who pays the price later?
Well, wait a minute. There's no
birthday party for me here!
Hello, Mr. Hand.
What's the reason
for your truancy?
Just couldn't make it
on time.
You mean, you couldn't
or you wouldn't?
It was like a full crowd scene
at the food lines.
Food will be eaten on your time.
Why are you continuously late
for this class, Mr. Spicoli?
Why do you shamelessly waste
my time like this?
I don't know.
I like that.
''I don't know.''
That's nice!
''Mr. Hand, will I pass
this class?''
''Gee, Mr. Spicoli,
I don't know!''
That's nice. I really like that.
You know what I'm gonna do?
I'm going to leave your words on
this board for all my classes to enjoy.
Giving you full credit,
of course, Mr. Spicoli!
All right.
words - szavak
where - ahol
waste - hulladék
truancy - csavargás
today - ma
teachers - tanárok
still - még mindig
senator - szenátor
there - ott
school - iskola
scene - színhely
right - jobb
reason - ok
really - igazán
price - ár
crowd - tömeg
leave - szabadság
continuously - folyamatosan
spicoli - spicoli
constitution - alkotmány
classes - osztályok
introduced - bemutatott
three - három
enjoy - élvez
anyone - bárki
bathrooms - fürdőszoba
amendment - módosítás
credit - hitel
campus - egyetem
board - tábla
weeks - hetes
shamelessly - szégyentelenül
ditch - árok
before - előtt
platt - Platt
eaten - evett
pretend - színlel
birthday - születésnap
class - osztály
talking - beszél
about - ról ről
other - más
fascination - elragadtatás
legislation - törvényhozás
first - első
desmond - Desmond
impact - hatás
floor - padló
giving - így
hello - helló
going - haladó
lines - vonalak
gonna - fog
heads - fejek
truants - truants
profound - mély
later - a későbbiekben
party - party
minute - perc
earlier - korábban
bring - hoz
little - kicsit
course - tanfolyam
people - emberek
congress - kongresszus
machines - gépek
passed - elmúlt
inside - belül
piece - darab
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