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Tanulás elkezdése
Alright so this is from
Detective Laurel Hester
who's currently on medical
leave of absence because,
unfortunately, she has
stage four cancer.
And she's asking that in
the event of her death,
her pension benefits be assigned
to her partner, Stacie Andree.
- Stacie Andree is a woman, correct?
- Correct.
I'm just trying to wrap my mind
around her being a lesbian.
Well, she's so not like a lesbian.
The contract we negotiated
with the police union
doesn't give Detective Hester the right
to assign her benefits
to her roommate, end of story.
Alright, so motion to deny
Detective Hester's request?
Well, actually, the Domestic Partnership
Act passed by the state legislature
extends benefits to same sex
partners of state employees.
Hester's a county employee.
But the law says we can
assign benefits to county employees.
Right, and bankrupt the county.
- Oh, come on.
- No, come on, what?
People can make anybody their
partners and get benefits?
It's really very hard
to form a domestic partnership,
actually, harder than marriage.
Nothing's harder than marriage.
Bryan, the law you're talking about
violates the sanctity of marriage.
It offends traditional values, and in
this county, that's political suicide.
She's dying.
Yes, and that's a personal tragedy
and we, we deal in public policy here.
But I move that we deny
Detective Hester's request,
we should wish her the best
and tell her she's in our prayers.
- Alright, all in favor?
- Yes.
- Brian?
- Oh, abstain.
We like our decisions to have
the authority of unanimous vote.
It's been our tradition for 150 years.
- Yes.
- Good.
woman - nő
unfortunately - sajnálatos módon
unanimous - egyhangú
trying - megpróbálja
tradition - hagyomány
their - azok
suicide - öngyilkosság
state - állapot
stacie - stacie
sanctity - szentség
request - kérés
public - nyilvános
political - politikai
values - értékeket
story - sztori
policy - irányelv
police - rendőrség
violates - megsérti
passed - elmúlt
personal - személyes
contract - szerződés
cancer - rák
bryan - Bryan
years - évek
around - körül
authority - hatóság
brian - brian
pension - nyugdíj
being - lény
andree - andree
county - megye
decisions - döntések
because - mert
roommate - szobatárs
leave - szabadság
really - igazán
bankrupt - csődbe jutott
assigned - kijelölt
employees - alkalmazottak
partners - partnerek
anybody - bárki
hester - Hester
asking - kérve
absence - távollét
correct - helyes
abstain - tartózkodik
alright - rendben
currently - jelenleg
favor - kedveznek
traditional - hagyományos
prayers - ima
partner - partner
death - halál
actually - tulajdonképpen
detective - nyomozó
union - unió
domestic - belföldi
medical - orvosi
dying - haldoklik
talking - beszél
about - ról ről
event - esemény
extends - nyúlik
stage - színpad
lesbian - leszbikus
tragedy - tragédia
right - jobb
employee - munkavállaló
harder - nehezebb
partnership - társaság
laurel - babér
should - kellene
assign - hozzárendelni
negotiated - szerződéses
legislature - törvényhozás
marriage - házasság
motion - mozgás
people - emberek
benefits - előnyök
offends - sért
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