Tanulj igazi angolt filmekből és könyvekből!
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A csúszka segítségével szerkesztheti a videoklip kezdetét és végét
Kattintson a gyakorlatok ikonjára, amelyekhez hozzá kívánja adni a kifejezést további tanulmányok céljából
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Tanulás elkezdése
You get in there
and get the camera.
I'll keep them
distracted over here.
Police from the neighborhood.
Can I help you, officer?
Here for the tiny motorcycle?
He's not here
for your stupid bike.
You here for the bike?
No sir,
I'm not here for the vehicle.
There's a neighborhood gas leak,
evacuate the premises.
Gas leak? I didn't even know
we had gas.
Situation is clear, Larry.
Yes, sir, Mr. Neighborhood
Police Officer.
I'm gonna fix the... I'm closing
the door because the gas is...
...leaking here.
-I didn't smell any gas.
-I don't smell anything.
You wouldn't. That's what makes
the danger so dangerous.
Excuse me, officer?
What kind of handcuffs
are those?
Police handcuffs.
Are they furry?
There had been some local perps,
who have been having an
allergic reaction to the metal.
Now, we coat it
in synthetic material,
health is on the uprise,
crime is on the downrise.
But, I wouldn't worry your
pretty head over that, ma'am.
I don't think we need it
in this investigation. - Ma'am?
Is this an investigation?
I thought this was a gas leak?
Investigation of a gas leak.
And shut up!
I'm a police officer,
I want this crime scene secured.
It's not a crime scene...
- Shut up!
Got you!
Take it easy, alright.
You said investigation... - No!
You take it easy.
Or I'll shoot you!
You're not shooting anybody.
- I'll shoot you in the Lorax!
-That's not a thing, officer.
-It's a children's book.
You sussing me boy?
You sussing me?
I am a police officer
of the law.
I don't think you are.
Officer George Clooney
from the 69th precinct.
Don't make me use this.
I won't.
Let it go.
We've been compromised!
Ride like the wind.
Hey, sloucher jerk!
I'm okay, I'm okay.
You have the right
to remain silent.
Not in the face.
vehicle - jármű
uprise - felemelkedés
those - azok
thing - dolog
sussing - sussing
stupid - hülye
smell - szag
sloucher - sloucher
worry - aggodalom
situation - helyzet
local - helyi
think - gondol
handcuffs - bilincs
having - amelynek
gonna - fog
excuse - mentség
health - egészség
scene - színhely
george - György
because - mert
dangerous - veszélyes
anything - bármi
clear - egyértelmű
alright - rendben
allergic - allergiás
anybody - bárki
investigation - vizsgálat
silent - csendes
clooney - Clooney
synthetic - szintetikus
lorax - lorax
distracted - zaklatott
shooting - lövés
thought - gondolat
larry - Larry
police - rendőrség
danger - veszély
leaking - szivárgó
makes - gyártmányú
material - anyag
metal - fém
camera - kamera
compromised - veszélyeztetett
pretty - szép
motorcycle - motorbicikli
neighborhood - szomszédság
closing - záró
officer - tiszt
furry - szőrös
perps - perps
reaction - reakció
precinct - választókerület
premises - helyiség
remain - marad
crime - bűn
right - jobb
evacuate - kiürít
secured - biztosított
there - ott
shoot - lő
Kattints egy szóra vagy jelölj ki egy mondatot, hogy lásd a fordítást.
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