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Tanulás elkezdése
Patchett's running whores cut
to look like movie stars.
Judging by his address, probably
something bigger on the side.
He doesn't want any attention.
That's right. Our motives are
selfish, so we're cooperating.
So cooperate, Miss Bracken.
Why was Susan Lefferts at the Nite Owl?
I don't know. I never heard
of the Nite Owl till today.
- How did she meet Patchett?
- Pierce meets people.
Sue came on a bus with dreams of Hollywood
and this is how they turned out.
Thanks to Pierce, we still get to act a little.
Tell me about Pierce.
He's waiting for you
to mention money.
- You want some advice, Miss Bracken?
- It's Lynn.
Miss Bracken, don't ever try to
fucking bribe me or threaten me...
or I'll have you and Patchett
in shit up to your ears.
I remember you from
Christmas Eve.
You have a thing for helping
women, don't you, Officer White?
Maybe I'm just fucking curious.
- You say "fuck" a lot.
- You fuck for money.
There's blood on your shirt. Is
that an integral part of your job?
- Yeah.
- Do you enjoy it?
- When they deserve it.
- Did they deserve it today?
I'm not sure.
- But you did it anyway.
- Yeah.
Just like the half-dozen
guys you screwed today.
Well, actually, it was only two.
You're different, Officer White.
You're the first man in five years who
didn't tell me I look like Veronica Lake.
You look better
than Veronica Lake.
Pierce Patchett?
He takes a cut of our earnings
and invests it for us.
He doesn't let us use narcotics
and he doesn't abuse us.
Can your policeman's mentality
grasp those contradictions?
He had you cut to look
like Veronica Lake.
No. I'm really a brunette,
but the rest is me.
And that's all the news
that's fit to print.
It was nice meeting
you, officer.
I'd like to see you again.
Are you asking for a date,
or an appointment?
I don't know.
- If you're asking
me for a date,
- I should know your first name.
- Forget I asked. It was a mistake.
years - évek
whores - kurvák
white - fehér
veronica - veronika
threaten - fenyeget
thing - dolog
susan - Susan
still - még mindig
something - valami
waiting - várakozás
should - kellene
shirt - ing
screwed - csavart
running - futás
right - jobb
remember - emlékezik
really - igazán
probably - valószínűleg
pierce - szúr
officer - tiszt
stars - csillagok
never - soha
narcotics - narkotikumok
movie - film
money - pénz
asked - kérdezte
cooperate - együttműködik
bigger - nagyobb
abuse - visszaélés
patchett - patchett
attention - figyelem
motives - motívumok
actually - tulajdonképpen
turned - fordult
cooperating - együttműködő
first - első
christmas - karácsony
advice - tanács
takes - vesz
appointment - időpont egyeztetés
those - azok
enjoy - élvez
about - ról ről
lefferts - lefferts
bribe - veszteget
brunette - barna
dozen - tucat
blood - vér
mention - említés
today - ma
better - jobb
forget - elfelejt
bracken - páfrány
anyway - akárhogyan is
again - újra
women - nők
deserve - megérdemel
judging - ítélve
contradictions - ellentmondások
asking - kérve
different - különböző
selfish - önző
address - cím
fucking - kibaszott
little - kicsit
dreams - álmok
earnings - kereset
curious - kíváncsi
grasp - fogás
heard - hallott
thanks - kösz
hollywood - Hollywood
integral - integrál
people - emberek
mentality - mentalitás
invests - fektet
maybe - talán
meeting - találkozó
print - nyomtatás
helping - segít
mistake - hiba
meets - találkozik
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