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Tanulás elkezdése
This does not smell like an I HOP.
We got a little surprise first.
Here we go. Now, I want you to
walk right here, my dear.
- Come on.
- Oh, God.
- You Grogan?
- Yes.
- Expected you an hour ago.
- You're gonna like this.
Step up. Sorry.
Sorry about the mess-
- And the noise and the smell.
- What's happening?
- Can I look?
- No, no. Just Almost. Almost.
- Okay. Okay. Ready?
- Really?
One, two, three. Go.
Happy birthday.
What? God, they're adorable.
Oh, my... My birthday's
not for a month.
That's okay. They can't leave
for three weeks anyway.
- We didn't discuss this.
- I know, but it's a surprise. You can't.
- Hi, guys.
- Just adopted the mom last month.
Family that gave her up didn't
even know she was pregnant.
- Are you sure we're ready for this?
- Well, like I told you...
you gotta wait three weeks for them to
be weaned before you can bring 'em home.
- I'm not even gonna be here.
- Why?
- I'll be in Gainesville, covering that trial.
- Oh, that's right.
That's okay. It'll give me
a chance to bond with him...
- get a head start on training 'im.
And get 'im squared away
- before you get home.
- That's true.
- Well, how are we gonna pick one?
- Girls are 300.
Boys are 275.
Except for that little guy there.
Him you could have for 200 even.
This one? You're so sweet.
You're like a little clearance puppy.
- Hello, puppy.
- This one likes you.
Clearance Puppy likes you.
- Well, that's your guy.
- Aw.
I was gonna pick you anyway.
Don't tell anybody.
Don't tell the others.
trial - próba
gonna - fog
squared - négyzetes
girls - lányok
gainesville - Gainesville
anyway - akárhogyan is
almost - majdnem
gotta - kell
weaned - elválasztott
noise - zaj
anybody - bárki
could - tudott
month - hónap
adorable - imádni való
smell - szag
first - első
really - igazán
surprise - meglepetés
expected - várt
except - kivéve
leave - szabadság
about - ról ről
birthday - születésnap
sweet - édes
clearance - vámkezelés
weeks - hetes
before - előtt
happening - esemény
chance - véletlen
covering - fedő
grogan - grogan
happy - boldog
hello - helló
discuss - megvitatása
likes - kedvel
family - család
bring - hoz
little - kicsit
adopted - fogadott
others - mások
pregnant - terhes
puppy - kölyökkutya
ready - kész
sorry - sajnálom
right - jobb
start - rajt
there - ott
three - három
training - kiképzés
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