Tanulj igazi angolt filmekből és könyvekből!
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Tanulás elkezdése
All right,
who's she working for?
She claims to be
working alone.
A random civilian
simply waltzes in
off the high street.
I don't think so.
Neuralyze her.
No, no, no. Don't.
I know what that thing is.
Hang on. Hang on.
She had
an experience.
It erased my parents' memories,
but it didn't take mine.
So my whole life,
everyone's called me crazy.
They said that
I needed therapy,
which, okay,
admittedly, I did,
but not for this.
Did she really hack
into the Hubble Telescope
to look at Andromeda II,
and we didn't catch her?
In the old days,
we'd have hired her.
It took me 20 years to find you,
plus or minus.
How many people
can say that?
I found you.
So you found us.
You proved you're not crazy.
You win the I'm Not Crazy
badge. Now what?
- I want in.
- We don't hire. We recruit.
Then I'd like
to be recruited.
I'm going to need more.
But would you mind giving me
one good reason?
Because I'm smart.
I'm motivated.
I look good in black.
I'm... - Boring me!
Because I have absolutely
no life whatsoever.
I have nothing.
I have no dog, no cat,
definitely no chill.
I have nothing that I couldn't
happily walk away from,
which makes me
perfect for this job.
Well, you're certainly
suitably tragic.
No love?
No relationships?
They just distract you from
what's important.
Hm, really?
And what's important?
The truth
of the universe.
I wanna know everything.
I wanna know
how it all works.
You really think
a black suit
is going to solve
all your problems?
Mmm... No,
but it looks damn good on you.
That's true.
From this moment,
you will conform to the
identity we give you.
You will dress only
in MIB Special Services attire.
You have been trained
in the use
of MIB-sanctioned technology,
vehicles and weaponry.
You will not
stand out in any way.
You are no longer
part of the system.
You do not exist.
Check, please.
years - évek
would - lenne
weaponry - fegyverzet
vehicles - járművek
universe - világegyetem
tragic - tragikus
telescope - távcső
technology - technológia
which - melyik
think - gondol
suitably - rozhodně
street - utca
stand - állvány
truth - igazság
special - különleges
sanctioned - szentesített
trained - kiképzett
relationships - kapcsolatok
waltzes - keringők
recruited - toborzott
recruit - újonc
reason - ok
really - igazán
wanna - akarok
proved - bizonyított
definitely - egyértelműen
absolutely - teljesen
dress - ruha
crazy - őrült
boring - unalmas
system - rendszer
conform - konform
hired - bérelt
smart - okos
civilian - polgári
right - jobb
certainly - biztosan
chill - hideg
services - szolgáltatások
important - fontos
working - dolgozó
looks - úgy néz ki,
andromeda - andromeda
alone - egyedül
claims - követelések
admittedly - kétségkívül
works - művek
please - kérem
erased - kitörölt
motivated - motivált
distract - eltérít
experience - tapasztalat
catch - fogás
random - véletlen
people - emberek
badge - jelvény
check - jelölje be
black - fekete
going - haladó
hubble - Hubble
because - mert
everything - minden
exist - létezik
longer - hosszabb
minus - mínusz
makes - gyártmányú
called - hívott
neuralyze -
found - talál
giving - így
whole - egész
therapy - terápia
attire - viselet
needed - szükséges
happily - boldogan
identity - identitás
simply - egyszerűen
problems - problémák
memories - memóriák
moment - pillanat
thing - dolog
solve - megfejt
nothing - semmi
whatsoever - akármi
perfect - tökéletes
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