Tanulj igazi angolt filmekből és könyvekből!
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Tanulás elkezdése
Citizens of Grasse, we hereby
declare that this murderer,
this demon in our midst,
has incurred the sentence
of excommunication.
Not only has this depraved monster
robbed us of our daughters,
the young and fair blossom
of this city,
and by his wanton acts
has brought our trade,
our livelihood,
our very existence, to the
brink of eternal darkness.
We therefore declare
that this vile viper,
this ignominious carbuncle,
this execrable evil in our midst,
shall henceforth be solemnly
banned from our holy presence,
rejected from the communion
of Holy Mother Church
as a disciple of Satan,
slayer of souls.
Stand clear!
An infected limb,
an outsider of the faith
a necromancer,
a diabolist, a sorcerer
and a damned heretic.
Oh, God, in Thy most
merciful spirit,
bring down thunderbolts
upon his head
and may the Devil make
soup of his bones. Amen.
My Lord! It's a miracle!
He's been caught!
He's been caught!
My Lord, the fiend has been caught.
In the city of Grenoble.
He's confessed to everything.
He's confessed to everything!
Hallelujah! Praise be to God!
And we thank Him for listening to
our prayers and answering them.
young - fiatal
wanton - buja
viper - vipera
trade - kereskedelmi
thunderbolts - villámok
thank - köszönet
spirit - szellem
souls - lelkek
slayer - ölő
shall - köteles
sentence - mondat
satan - Sátán
robbed - kirabolták
stand - állvány
rejected - elutasított
presence - jelenlét
prayers - ima
outsider - kívülálló
murderer - gyilkos
daughters - lányai
praise - dicséret
demon - démon
grenoble - grenoble
darkness - sötétség
henceforth - ezentúl
caught - elkapott
confessed - vallotta
answering - üzenetrögzítő
damned - átkozott
existence - létezés
faith - hit
therefore - ebből adódóan
merciful - irgalmas
brought - hozott
depraved - romlott
declare - kijelent
listening - kihallgatás
solemnly - ünnepélyesen
bones - csontok
bring - hoz
brink - küszöbén
hereby - ezennel
clear - egyértelmű
mother - anya
citizens - polgárok
diabolist - diabolist
banned - kitiltva
sorcerer - varázsló
communion - úrvacsora
necromancer - halottidéző
grasse - grasse
carbuncle - karbunkulus
monster - szörnyeteg
church - templom
devil - ördög
disciple - tanítvány
eternal - örök
everything - minden
livelihood - megélhetés
execrable - utálatos
fiend - ördög
blossom - kivirul
excommunication - kiközösítés
hallelujah - alleluja
midst - középen
heretic - eretnek
ignominious - megalázó
incurred - felmerült
miracle - csoda
infected - fertőzött
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