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Tanulás elkezdése
Do you like it?
I do.
No, you don't.
You don't like it at all.
Usually, you always
tell me what you think.
What is this?
You're lying.
As I think you know, Alma,
I prefer my asparagus
with oil and salt.
And knowing this, you've prepared
the asparagus with butter.
Now, I can imagine
in certain circumstances
being able to pretend
that I like it made this way.
Right now, I'm just admiring
my own gallantry
for eating it the way
you've prepared it.
I don't know
what I'm doing here.
I don't know
what I'm doing here.
I'm just waiting around
like an idiot for you.
This was an ambush, Alma.
To what purpose?
This is not...
I know it's not going
as I expected.
I didn't mean
these things to come out.
I'm sorry, but it was meant to be nice.
- Well, what did you expect?
I wanted time with you. I
wanted to have you to myself.
- You have me all the time. - No.
- What are you talking about? - I don't!
There are always people around.
And if not, then there's
something between us.
- Something between us? - Yes.
- What? - Some...
- What?
- Distance!
When did this happen?
What happened to make you
behave like this?
Is it because you think
I don't need you?
- Yes.
- I don't.
Well, that's
very predictable of you.
Don't act so tough.
I know you are not.
Yeah, that's right. That's right.
If I don't protect myself
somebody will come
in the middle of the night
and take over
my corner of the room
and ask me about
their fucking asparagus!
- Don't be a bully. You're being a bully.
- There are other things I'd like to do
- with my time. It's my time!
- I have no idea
- what I'm doing here in your time!
- My time!
What am I doing here? I'm standing
around like an idiot waiting for you!
- Waiting for what?
- Waiting for you.
Waiting for what?
Waiting for you
to get rid of me.
To tell me to leave.
So tell me.
So I don't stand around
like a fucking fool.
Asparagus, is this all about your
asparagus? - No, it's not about asparagus.
What the
hell is it about?
Are you a special agent
sent here to ruin my evening and
possibly my entire life? - Why are you
so rude to me?
- Why are you talking to me like this?
- Is this my house?
- This is my house, isn't it? - Yes, this
is your house. - Is this my house?
- Of course it's your house.
- Or did somebody...
- ...drop me on foreign soil.
- What a question!
Behind enemy lines? - You brought
me here. - I'm surrounded on all sides.
It's you who brought me here. - When the
hell did this happen? Who are you?
Do you have a gun?
You here to kill me?
- Why are you...
- Do you have a gun?
- Stop it!
- Where's your gun? - Stop being a child.
Where's your gun?
- Stop...
...playing. - Show me your gun.
Stop playing this game!
- I am not.
- I'm not playing a game.
- Yes. Mmm-hmm. Uh-huh.
- What game am I playing?
What game? What precisely
is the nature of my game?
- You tell me.
- Oh, this whole...
- What?
- All your rules and your walls
and your doors and your people
and your money and all these
clothes and everything!
This, this, this game!
Everything here!
The whole... Pfft!
Nothing is normal
or natural or...
Everything is a game!
"Yes, mister!
No, madam! Yes."
- if it's my...
- "I don't eat this. I don't drink that.
- "I don't..."
- If it's my life that you're describing,
it's entirely up to you whether
you choose to share it or not.
If you don't wish
to share that life,
as apparently it's so disagreeable
to you in every respect,
why don't you just fuck off
to back where you came from?
whole - egész
whether - akár
where - ahol
idiot - idióta
house - ház
going - haladó
expected - várt
doors - ajtók
gallantry - bátorság
madam - madám
happened - történt
everything - minden
every - minden
precisely - pontosan
because - mert
myself - magamat
pretend - színlel
evening - este
middle - középső
entirely - teljesen
doing - csinál
distance - távolság
asparagus - spárga
disagreeable - kellemetlen
night - éjszaka
course - tanfolyam
people - emberek
things - dolgok
behave - viselkedik
admiring - megcsodálta
circumstances - körülmények
fucking - kibaszott
nature - természet
about - ról ről
other - más
talking - beszél
choose - választ
entire - teljes
always - mindig
clothes - ruhák
behind - mögött
normal - normál
waiting - várakozás
special - különleges
apparently - látszólag
happen - történik
something - valami
being - lény
nothing - semmi
drink - ital
around - körül
corner - sarok
wanted - kívánatos
between - között
bully - terrorizál
butter - vaj
certain - bizonyos
imagine - képzeld el
think - gondol
knowing - tudva
leave - szabadság
purpose - célja
eating - étkezési
prepared - előkészített
meant - jelentett
money - pénz
lying - fekvő
natural - természetes
playing - játszik
possibly - esetleg
predictable - kiszámítható
sides - fél
describing - leíró
child - gyermek
prefer - jobban szeret
foreign - külföldi
rules - szabályok
protect - véd
agent - ügynök
question - kérdés
brought - hozott
there - ott
ambush - csapda
tough - kemény
respect - tisztelet
standing - álló
right - jobb
share - ossza meg
somebody - valaki
sorry - sajnálom
stand - állvány
mister - uram
surrounded - körülvett
their - azok
enemy - ellenség
lines - vonalak
these - ezek
usually - általában
expect - elvár
walls - falak
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