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Tanulás elkezdése
Okay, round four.
Here we go.
Get out.
Not you.
Now call me old-fashioned...
but I thought being engaged meant you
were done with this kind of bullshit.
I am the Minister of Justice.
Do you have any idea
what I could do to you?
Really? You're gonna
try and talk tough,
standing there in
your red underwear?
You have ten words...
ten words...
to explain to me why you,
the Minister of Justice...
would want your fiancé
killed by the Yakuza.
And if I don't like
what you say,
you are going through
that fucking window.
You don't have the faintest
idea what's going on...
- How many words was that?
- Nine.
You have one word left.
Shingen. Shingen!
Keep going.
Since he got sick...
old man Yashida spent billions
on doctors, healers.
Stockpiling adamantium
at his lab in the North...
secretly trying
to prolong his life.
He brought the company
to the edge of bankruptcy.
He was obsessed
with you.
Shingen lied,
protected the old man...
concealed the debt from
stockholders and the board.
He tried to be a good son
and thought he'd be rewarded.
And then the old man left
everything to his granddaughter.
If Mariko got all that power,
she would dump his ass.
It's true.
Mariko would have never gone
through with the wedding...
not once the will
was revealed.
She never took to me.
Oh, really?
A class act like you.
Shingen promised me
a fortune for my help.
So, you put a hit on his daughter.
Is that it?
Political careers
don't last forever.
That's right.
Wait! Wait! No!
You wanted the truth.
I told you the truth!
I didn't like it.
How did you know there's
a pool down there?
I didn't.
would - lenne
yakuza - yakuza
words - szavak
underwear - fehérnemű
trying - megpróbálja
truth - igazság
tried - megpróbálta
tough - kemény
there - ott
stockpiling - készletezési
shingen - Shingen
forever - örökké
fianc - vőlegénye
standing - álló
healers - gyógyítók
mariko - Mariko
faintest - halvány
adamantium - adamantium
political - politikai
explain - megmagyarázni
everything - minden
window - ablak
doctors - orvosok
stockholders - részvényesei
fashioned - vágású
concealed - rejtett
wedding - esküvő
billions - milliárdokat
yashida - yashida
daughter - lánya
being - lény
spent - költött
engaged - elkötelezett
company - vállalat
prolong - meghosszabbítása
through - keresztül
fortune - szerencse
bankruptcy - csőd
board - tábla
justice - igazságszolgáltatás
thought - gondolat
brought - hozott
never - soha
class - osztály
fucking - kibaszott
wanted - kívánatos
going - haladó
gonna - fog
granddaughter - lány unoka
promised - igért
power - erő
north - északi
careers - karrier
obsessed - megszállott
protected - védett
meant - jelentett
really - igazán
revealed - kiderült
since - mivel
could - tudott
rewarded - jutalmazzák
minister - miniszter
right - jobb
bullshit - hülyeség
round - kerek
killed - elesett
secretly - titkosan
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