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Tanulás elkezdése
Yeah, exactly. You know,
there were times
when I was doing Jack
that I actually felt retarded,
- like really retarded.
- Oh, yeah.
I mean, I brushed my teeth retarded,
- I rode bus retarded.
- Damn.
In a weird way,
I had to sort of just free myself up
to believe that it was okay
to be stupid or dumb.
- To be a moron.
- Yeah.
- To be moronical.
- Exactly, to be a moron.
- An imbecile.
- Yeah.
Like the dumbest motherfucker
that ever lived.
When I was playing the character.
- When you was the character.
- Yeah, yeah, I mean as Jack, definitely.
Jack, stupid ass Jack.
Trying to come back from that.
In a weird way it was almost like
I had to sort of fool my mind
into believing that it wasn't retarded,
and by the end of that whole thing,
I was like, “Wait a minute, you know"
I flushed so much out,
how am I gonna jumpstart it up again?
- It's just like?
- Yeah.
You was farting in bathtubs
and laughing your ass off.
But Simple Jack thought he was smart,
or rather, didn't think he was retarded,
so you can't afford to play retarded,
being a smart actor.
Playing a guy who ain't smart
but thinks he is,
- that's tricky.
- Tricky.
It's like working with mercury.
It's high science, man.
It's an art form.
- Yeah.
- You an artist.
- That's what we do, right?
- Yeah.
Hats off for going there,
especially knowing how
the Academy is about that shit.
- About what?
- You're serious? You don't know?
Everybody knows
you never go full retard.
- What do you mean?
- Check it out.
Dustin Hoffman, Rain Man, looked
retarded, act retarded, not retarded.
Count toothpicks, cheat at cards.
Autistic, sure. Not retarded.
Then you got Tom Hanks,
Forrest Gump.
Slow, yes, retarded, maybe,
braces on his legs.
But he charmed the pants off Nixon,
and he won a Ping-Pong competition.
That ain't retarded.
And he was a goddamn war hero.
You know any retarded war heroes?
You went full retard, man.
Never go full retard.
You don't buy that?
Ask Sean Penn, 2001, I Am Sam.
Remember? Went full retard?
Went home empty-handed.
working - dolgozó
whole - egész
weird - furcsa
trying - megpróbálja
toothpicks - fogpiszkálót
teeth - fogak
smart - okos
right - jobb
retard - retard
tricky - furfangos
science - tudomány
really - igazán
myself - magamat
thought - gondolat
moronical - moronical
there - ott
mercury - higany
maybe - talán
looked - nézett
playing - játszik
competition - verseny
lived - élt
character - karakter
cards - kártyák
artist - művész
serious - súlyos
heroes - hősök
charmed - elbűvölte
believe - hinni
definitely - egyértelműen
thing - dolog
being - lény
stupid - hülye
count - számol
brushed - csiszolt
doing - csinál
actually - tulajdonképpen
minute - perc
check - jelölje be
remember - emlékezik
rather - inkább
believing - hívő
think - gondol
nixon - Nixon
hoffman - Hoffman
bathtubs - kádak
almost - majdnem
academy - akadémia
hanks - hanks
retarded - retardált
actor - színész
about - ról ről
again - újra
empty - üres
moron - idióta
flushed - kipirult
jumpstart - jumpstart
autistic - autisztikus
times - alkalommal
goddamn - átkozott
pants - nadrág
never - soha
dumbest - legbutább
cheat - csal
braces - fogszabályozó
knowing - tudva
dustin - dustin
especially - különösen
motherfucker - köcsög
afford - engedheti meg magának,
everybody - mindenki
exactly - pontosan
forrest - erdő
going - haladó
gonna - fog
farting - fing
handed - kezes
imbecile - hülye
simple - egyszerű
knows - tudja
thinks - azt hiszi
laughing - nevetés
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