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Abney Park – Ragtime Punk testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Ragtime Punk - Abney Park

parole da studiare

We reached back in time to 1881

We saw the past and it looked like fun

We took their clothes and we took their style

And the rest is history

We bolted brass and we kicked some ass

Wrote some songs by the lamplight's gas

Soon our history we did defile

And made a past that couldn't be

I know what you're thinking, I know what you say

Nothing you can do but take this away

This hasn't been fun for time out of mind

So you can pack up your crap and you can leave it behind

I know what you're thinking, I know what you say

But no point you could make would hold any sway

All your phony crap can't hold us down

So we packed up our bags and we got out of town

Back in time to 1881