An old man is proud
But behind his modest smile lies the grief
Only one picture of his brave son remains
It seems that the vicious circle can never be broken through
The hopeful ones gathered their strength to achieve the apparent impossible
But all plans seem to be in vain
As a soldier of Allah he's an example
For the others on his bloody way to immortality
It seems that the vicious circle can never be broken through
Because old wounds are reopened every time
This Intifada as a device to thwart the peace negotiations
wounds - ferite
undermine - minare
tolerate - tollerare
thwart - contrastare
those - quelli
their - loro
vicious - vizioso
hereafter - futuro
circle - cerchio
through - attraverso
heaven - paradiso
others - altri
allah - Allah
brave - coraggioso
hands - mani
smile - sorriso
start - inizio
never - mai
broken - rotto
agreement - accordo
behind - dietro a
reward - ricompensa
apparent - apparente
example - esempio
awaits - attende
bloody - sanguinoso
blood - sangue
strength - forza
actions - azioni
attack - attacco
device - dispositivo
every - dejte pozor
because - perché
hopeful - pieno di speranza
immortality - immortalità
impossible - impossibile
mercy - misericordia
gathered - si riunirono
modest - modesto
negotiations - negoziati
picture - immagine
peace - pace
hesitate - esitare
remains - resti
achieve - raggiungere
paradise - paradiso
plans - piani
grief - dolore
proud - orgoglioso
eternal - eterno
reopened - riaperto
seems - sembra
soldier - soldato
suffer - soffrire
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